What To Do If The Child Does Not Speak

What To Do If The Child Does Not Speak
What To Do If The Child Does Not Speak

Speech is one of the main tools that help a person interact with other people. The baby begins to master speech from eight months. But what if your child does not utter the set of sounds necessary for a one and a half year old baby, and a three year old still does not speak? Firstly, you should not compare your child with peers - all children are individual. And secondly, it is necessary to identify the reason for the silence.

What to do if the child does not speak
What to do if the child does not speak

There are two reasons for the delay in speech in a child: the first is the lack of favorable social conditions for upbringing and pedagogical errors. The second does not depend on adults, but lies in the underdevelopment of the neurological or sensorimotor base of the child's speech. In the first case, the child does not speak at the required level because he was not given enough attention. The child almost did not hear, as adults say, he was not required to perform skills appropriate for his age. But also overprotection can cause speech delay. If all the child's desires are guessed in advance, then he does not need to talk. The second reason, which does not depend on the methods of upbringing, could arise even before the birth of the child, for example, fetal hypoxia during the mother's pregnancy or an intrauterine infectious disease. Possible causes include birth trauma, serious illness, blood transfusion, surgery for a child under one year old, hearing problems, and others. When can a child be diagnosed with speech delay? If the child refuses to repeat words and expressions after adults, does not respond to a request to repeat a phrase, does not follow simple commands "give a cube", "go to the kitchen", "bring a doll." He does not turn to adults for help, but prefers to do everything on his own. He does not try to explain his desires and thoughts to adults. When communicating, it does not distinguish between family members and strangers. It can take years to get a silent person to talk. And you can't do without the help of a speech therapist. But there are several simple rules that parents of a child who have a delay in the development of speech must follow. Solve the problem you need to start as early as possible, without delay. If you start a corrective program from two to five years old, then there is every chance that the child will speak to school according to his age. After six years, it will be very difficult for a child to help. And the lack of speech at this age brings with it serious problems and great difficulties in school. You can not crush not a child and persistently demand from him that he uttered a word. Pressure negatively affects the mobile child's psyche, and as a result, the child becomes even more self-contained. Emphasize the sounds that your child is good at. Try as often as possible in communication to repeat exactly the words that he knows how to pronounce. Paying a lot of attention to fine motor skills is finger gymnastics, modeling from clay and plasticine, playing with beads, buttons and in the constructor. The most important thing is to be as close to the child as possible. For classes, choose the hours when the child is calm, and the parents have no urgent business. Make sure that no one interferes, and that the environment makes the child feel secure. If your child does not speak, do not panic; with the right approach, there is every chance that the problem will remain forever in early childhood.
