What To Buy For A Child: A "live" Toy Or An Animal

What To Buy For A Child: A "live" Toy Or An Animal
What To Buy For A Child: A "live" Toy Or An Animal

Progress does not stand still. People are often replaced by mechanisms. It is one thing when they make it easier for a person to work, and another thing when they invade the consciousness of people. And it all starts with children. It is enough to see how toys have improved to sound the alarm.

Toy cat
Toy cat

Living toy in the family

In our childhood, there were also similar toys that growled and spoke monosyllabic phrases. Now living toys have come to be called interactive, capable of performing certain actions and even answering questions. Manufacturers are trying to keep up with the times and endow their products with sophisticated functions. They can not only make sounds, but also say certain phrases depending on the situation. These toys limit the child's fantasy, his imagination does not develop and all this affects his development. Children’s interest in them quickly fades away, since her actions are constantly the same, but they manage to carry out their harmful influence.


Many Western developers are trying to robotic pets as much as possible to replace the furry friend. But in this case, it is impossible to instill in the child a sense of compassion and responsibility. He will know that it is enough to turn her off, and she will not "ask" for anything. In addition to indifference, the child will not develop anything else. Such children will grow up and will not learn to sympathize even with their parents, because there was no appropriate upbringing in childhood.

Parents replace themselves with the purchase of such toys. They give it to the child and go about their business, providing the soulless machine with the vulnerable psyche of the child. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the children will be mentally and creatively underdeveloped. The time will come when they will also raise their children, and this chain will continue. Elderly parents who will be deprived of attention are also unlucky.

Four-legged friend

When interacting with real animals, children understand that they can hurt them, and if they do not feed them for a long time, the animal can die. Thus, a sense of love and responsibility develops and grows. Before buying an animal for a child, it is necessary to explain that it will become a new family member, it cannot be thrown away when it gets tired. To begin with, parents will need to learn more about the animal from special literature.


If the choice fell on a dog, you should decide on the breed. If there is not a lot of time for leaving, it is better to give preference to small decorative breeds. The cat is the main animal preferred by the family. You don't need to walk with the cat. Take seriously the choice of the breed, the character will depend on it. A cat can be taken to a child from birth. First, he will communicate with her tactilely, and then he will have responsibilities in relation to her. When a child strokes a cat, he develops fine motor skills better. He will be ahead of his peers in development. It is worth paying special attention to hygiene. After all, a cat is an animal, and your baby is not able to take care of the purity of his body.


If, over time, it’s quite a problem, get a rodent: a rat, a hamster, a guinea pig. They are very unpretentious and omnivorous. Nowadays, boys are addicted to dragons, and this can be used by taking an iguana home. This is a real house dragon, easy to tame. The main thing is that the child should be at least 6-7 years old, so that he clearly understands that this is not a toy.

Any animal should be bought only in specialized stores. In this case, you are required to issue documents certifying the health of the animal. It is important to be ready for the appearance of a new family member, and then love him. Remember that an industrial toy today is a common commodity, like a refrigerator or a television, and needs to be sold to the manufacturer. It is advisable that you think about what you are buying for your child, otherwise you will later “bite your elbows”.
