What Animal Can You Choose For A Child

What Animal Can You Choose For A Child
What Animal Can You Choose For A Child

Communication with our smaller brothers teaches kindness, compassion and compassion. Pets make the child more responsible, as the pet needs constant care - from cleaning the litter box or cage to walking outside. Pets often become a kind of psychotherapist for a child, whom you can secretly tell about your feelings, and in return get a little affection - after all, the animal always feels the mood and can rub its legs or lick it on the cheek. What animal can you choose as your favorite pet?

What animal can you choose for a child
What animal can you choose for a child

Talking Birds

A parrot that can talk is a great solution for a child with speech impairments. By teaching the bird words and phrases, the child himself will begin to speak better. It is not necessary to buy an expensive bird, since even budgerigars can talk. They are able to repeat single words and short phrases, and if you try, you can teach them to read poetry.


Cats are believed to be relatively easy to care for as they only need to be litter trained. Cats are able to relieve stress, anxiety and increased excitability, therefore they are recommended to have them for cocky or hyperactive children. It is only necessary to take into account that cats are independent and wayward creatures, so you do not need to take them into the house if the child is still very young, because during the game he can anger the pet, and in response will be scratched.


Hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs or chinchillas are suitable for preschoolers. They can be stroked, taken in hand, or just watched their life, because rodents are constantly doing something. But you need to remember that such pets can bite or scratch, they do not like excessive squeezing. In addition, rodents are most often active at night, and during the day they sleep off, so leaving the cage in the child's room will not work, you will constantly have to move it to a place where pets will not interfere with anyone, and the life expectancy of rodents is not very long, so you need be ready for a sad breakup.

Aquarium fish

Not the most common type of pets, since they can only be observed, and you cannot pet them or play with them. But fish have one advantage - they develop observation and calmness. In addition, they teach order, because the aquarium must be constantly looked after.

A dog is man's best friend

Once the child develops a sense of empathy (usually by the age of 5-7), you can have a puppy. The dog is especially suitable for shy and withdrawn children, because during training and submission of the puppy to his will, the child becomes more confident and courageous. There will also be certain benefits for children's health, because you often need to walk and play with the dog, and physical activity in the fresh air is the best way to strengthen immunity.
