October is a month that passes almost entirely under the sign of Libra. Girls born in the middle of autumn are distinguished by their principles and independent life position. Correctly chosen names allow you to add femininity and softness to them.

Features of October girls
October-born people draw a clear line between business and friendship. They are very pragmatic, discreet and practical. They are good at running a business: even if they start it from scratch, they quickly “beat off” all costs. October women make good leaders.
Girls born in October tend to get along well with people most often. For the sake of their real friends, they are ready for crazy deeds. But with relatives, they do not always improve relations. The point is, most likely, that such girls try to look at the world objectively, looking at people and various situations from different positions, respectively, they perceive even the closest relatives as ordinary people with their own shortcomings and advantages. The integrity of girls born in October does not allow them to turn a blind eye to some of the actions and decisions of relatives and friends, which often leads to unpleasant and stormy showdowns in the family.
All decisions of the October girls are always thought out and weighed, they are not inclined to hasty conclusions. Sometimes it can even bother them, because such an approach dulls emotions. As a result, in situations where the mind is not the best advisor, those born in October do not know how to do the right thing.
How do I choose a name?
Most often, October women become heads of their families, preferring to control all areas of their lives. At the same time, they constantly motivate their spouses to develop and change, but they are not given actual power in the relationship. If something goes wrong in the family, October women are ready to endlessly work on relationships, make unthinkable efforts to "fix" everything. However, they will never forgive betrayal, betrayal or cowardice.
Women born in the middle of autumn make good, albeit strict, mothers. They are diligently engaged in the development of their children, looking for good kindergartens and schools, enrolling children in various circles. October women are trying to provide their children with everything they need and are ready to put a lot of effort into this.
The best names for girls born in October are Sophia, Irina, Anna, Taisia, Veronika, Zdata, Ariadna, Pelageya and Marianna. All of these names have a very soft, feminine energy that can soften and smooth out the sharp edges of the character of October girls.