How To Rid A Child Of Bad Habits

How To Rid A Child Of Bad Habits
How To Rid A Child Of Bad Habits

Some bad habits of children seriously scare parents. They understand perfectly well that biting their nails or picking their noses annoys not only them, but also causes rejection from others.

Child and bad habits
Child and bad habits

While the baby, still very little we, watch with affection as he sucks his finger or examines the contents of the nose. But the same actions in a 3-year-old child cause negativity and is viewed as a bad habit. For a child, this is not a bad habit, but a reaction to a certain event.

Calm down

Anxiety, tension, fear can lead to an understandable and mechanical action for the child. For example, he is afraid of insects, but the fear of them is not so great as to turn to his parents. Then he begins to bite his finger or suck on the edge of the clothing. Unconsciously repetitive motion triggers a self-consolation response. Scolding a child in such a situation is absolutely useless, and even harmful. It can only increase the tension. It is necessary to investigate what exactly worries the child and eliminate the cause. At the same time, caress, hug, shake in your arms. If you cannot cope with fear on your own, then you should contact a child psychologist.

Influence parents

Children are very receptive and observant. They easily notice that some of his actions make mom react. The child has a universal method of retribution to his parents. You punished the child in public - be prepared that he will answer you in kind. It will put you in an uncomfortable position, make you feel helpless. All this happens spontaneously, without an insidious plan, only at a subconscious level and copying parents. However, it is not only resentment for public punishment that can cause a bad habit. Perhaps your child is angry with you, but does not know how to properly express his feelings.

After another demonstration of bad habits, take your child home and talk. From the age of 4, children are able to assess their experiences. Help him by listing the emotions he is feeling. Let the child know that you are listening to him and understand his condition.

Punish yourself

Gnawing burrs, picking wounds - all these are elements of self-destruction. The child can be angry with himself when something does not work out and at the same time calm down in this way. Ask yourself if you are pushing hard on him. For example, memorizing poetry or counting to ten. Does he have enough reasons to be happy. Is it possible to spend time with your favorite toys. Or perhaps the family has strained relations and the child, on a subconscious level, feels guilty about himself. Then devote more time to your baby, walk, play.

A bad habit is just a way to cope with difficulties. It will be gone as soon as the reasons behind it are gone.
