Some bad habits can be harmful to the child, for example, the habit of biting nails affects their shape, and licking the lips leads to constantly irritated and flaky skin around them. It is better not to fight such habits, but to replace them with other actions.

Step 1
Internal nervous tension is considered the cause of bad habits. With the help of such actions, the child tries to calm down. The emergence of these habits occurs at an early age from feelings of fear or loneliness. When the child was left alone, he was looking for reassurance - fiddling with his hair, biting his nails, picking his nose, etc. Therefore, do not scold the child for such actions.
Step 2
Your intervention can only increase the nervous tension. Switch the child's attention to new, interesting things for him, toys, books. The best fight against habits is the formation of new ones that are useful for the baby. In addition, if he is constantly pulled back, obsessive actions can gain a foothold, and he will use them every time he needs to attract the attention of his parents.
Step 3
To combat habits and use games, children are most receptive to such methods. If a bad habit of gnawing fingers has been formed, “introduce” the baby to them and explain the meaning of each of them. Once he begins to perceive fingers as his friends, the desire to put them in his mouth and hurt them will be greatly reduced. For younger children, you need to find an alternative - if you notice that the child is about to bite his fingers, give him some bright toy in his hands. Switch his attention away from this habit, gradually the need for it will dry up.
Step 4
Since internal nervous tension most often occurs as a result of attention deficit, lack of affection and physical contact with parents, devote as much time as possible to your child. Create an atmosphere of comfort and safety at home, do not talk in a raised voice in the presence of your baby. Often take him in your arms, hug and kiss - the child should constantly feel your love.
Step 5
Rhythmic movements help relieve nervous tension. If the child is still young, rock him before bed and turn on quiet rhythmic music. Get a indoor swing and swing your baby daily for 15-20 minutes a day. Older children can jump rope every day or dance with their parents.