Knowing the multiplication table is very important for any child, because it is taught in elementary school, and it becomes the basis for further study of arithmetic. In fact, there is no answer to the question of how to learn the multiplication table in 5 minutes, since it is almost impossible to learn it from scratch in such a short time. But if you want to know how to quickly learn the multiplication table with a child, some tips will be useful.

Step 1
Start by multiplying by 1 and 10
You should always start studying the table by multiplying by 1 and 10. The child will quickly understand that multiplying by 1 does not change the first factor. And if some number is multiplied by 10, 0 is simply assigned to it.
Step 2
Multiplication by 2
It is also easy to figure out how to learn the multiplication table by 2 with a child. The student will quickly figure out that when multiplying by 2, you just need to add the number to be multiplied with it. So, 5x2 = 5 + 5 = 10, and 8x2 = 8 + 8 = 16. Multiplication by 4 and 8 is remembered in a similar way.
Step 3
Multiplication by 5
The multiplication table by 5 is learned faster if the child immediately understands that the answer will always be a number ending in 0 or 5. When multiplying five by an even number, the last digit in the answer will always be 0, and when multiplying by an odd number - 5.
Step 4
The rule of changing the places of the factors
Explain to your child that changing the places of the factors will not change the work. That is, if he multiplies 5 by 2, it will be the same as multiplying 2 by 5. Knowing this simple rule will significantly reduce the learning curve. For example, if a student needs to decide how much 2x8 will be, instead of adding the number 2 eight times, he will add the number 8 twice and get this: 2x8 = 8x2 = 8 + 8 = 16.
Step 5
Key Diagonal of the Table
Squares of numbers 2x2, 3x3 and so on up to 10x10 are the key diagonal of the multiplication table. If the child remembers how much 2x2, 3x3 and so on will be, the question of how easy it is to learn the multiplication table will become even easier for you. So, knowing that 8x8 = 64, the student will quickly calculate how much 8x9 will be. It turns out the following: 8x9 = 8x8 + 8 = 72.
Step 6
Multiplication by 9
How to quickly learn the multiplication table by 9? Having memorized the multiplication of numbers by 10, the child can easily learn multiplication by 9. So, to decide how much 7x9 will be, it will be enough to multiply 7 by 10, and then subtract 7. It turns out: 7x9 = 7x10 - 7 = 63.