Smiling promotes communication, means good mood, helps in achieving goals. Cheerful person - open, friendly, trustworthy. Psychologists have long noticed that the smile or laughter of the interlocutor means that the ice of misunderstanding has melted, and the relationship is moving to a new level. Some, when meeting, experience difficulties with the disposition of a person. How, in such cases, to bring a smile?

Step 1
Give the other person a sincere compliment. Admiration in a polite manner always delights people. This is a good help for creating a good mood and cheerful mood. A compliment said on time gives confidence to a shy person, helps a closed person to open up, and makes everyone smile! Take a closer look at the interlocutor, find in him something that is worthy of admiration. This does not oblige you to anything, but it will tell him that you are an attentive and open person.
A compliment with humor makes you smile, for example: “How wonderful you are today! Just like me!"
Step 2
Give a gift, because you can do it for any reason and with all your heart. Through attention, surprise, present, you convey a good attitude, disposition towards a person. Gifts, especially those chosen with love, evoke a smile and joy.
Step 3
Smile for yourself. Even if you only imitate true feelings, the interlocutor will smile back. Laughter and good humor are very contagious. Just look at a picture where someone is smiling and your mood will immediately change to a positive one. The vibes of gaiety are also conveyed through photographs. Even if nothing connects you with a person who has mouth to ear, it gives great joy.
Step 4
Tell an anecdote or funny story. Anything that becomes funny stops being dangerous. Positive communication brings you closer, it becomes easy. A person automatically goes to the group "his", and it is easier for loved ones to smile and rejoice.
Step 5
Focus on the positive. If the other person is gloomy and unhappy, look for the pros and cons of their situation. Together, discover that things are not as bad as they seem. The person will feel better and he will smile.
Step 6
If you have known each other for a long time, remember something pleasant from life together, funny times when you laughed until you dropped. Or the tricks of a neighbor's child, because children always cause affection and a smile.
If this is your first meeting with a person, you can turn to popular films, comedies that you both watched for funny memories. This will bring the interlocutors closer and bring smiles.