Among your acquaintances, there are probably a couple of people who constantly attract new friends and friends. What is the secret of their popularity? The answer is simple: they know how to make the interlocutor smile and win him over. It turns out that you don't need to have special communication skills or a perfect sense of humor to achieve the same success. You just need to make others … smile.

Step 1
Think positively. Optimistic people know how to transform reality: an infectious smile and ringing laughter make everyone around them look at the world more fun. Therefore, if you want to evoke positive emotions in others, it is worth learning positive thinking. It's not difficult at all. Keep a special diary where you should write down all the good things that happen during the day. Don't neglect the little things: Fresh buns, clean linens, and nice weather should definitely be on the list. After all, it is these seemingly insignificant things that create your mood. As you review the notes, you will see that life is filled with many good and pleasant things. This means that it will become much easier to enjoy each new day!
Step 2
Avoid jokes that are too sharp. A sense of humor can be an assistant in communication, because it helps to get closer to the person you like faster. However, you should avoid jokes aimed at pinning the interlocutor by pointing out his flaw or mistake in an ironic form. Such "sharpness" is unlikely to cause a sincere smile and sympathy. Moreover, the victim of an unsuccessful joke can harbor resentment and respond in kind at the most inopportune moment. And then it will be no laughing matter for you.
Step 3
Make fun of yourself, not others. Comic self-criticism is a surefire way to cheer up the interlocutor. A rare person can laugh at his own mistake, but this skill helps to more easily endure any troubles. In addition, the willingness to joke even in the most critical situation helps to avoid many conflicts: if you accidentally offended or insulted someone, do not hesitate to approach the person with a smile and admit your guilt. Most likely, the response will also be positive.
Step 4
Be an actor. If even the best anecdotes in your performance cause only surprise and sluggish grins, then you lack artistry. A good serve is one of the main secrets of a successful joke. Pay attention to your own diction: it must be clear. Speak loudly enough without rushing or clumping your words. Also, help yourself with gestures and facial expressions. After all, the more expression and emotion you are able to put into the "performance", the better the listeners will understand you.
Step 5
Compliment. It is very easy to win the sympathy of the interlocutor and make him smile - you just need to say something pleasant. Pay attention to the dignity of the people around you and remember to talk about it out loud. You can praise both external merits and intellectual achievements, character traits and professional success.