Parting and parting … We often miss our loved ones, we wait for them. At such moments, you want a miracle to happen, and the person just came. Regardless of rain, slush, bad weather, no reason. I just came and that's it. An ordinary miracle. What needs to be done to make this miracle happen as soon as possible?

Step 1
Think of this person with good feelings. Remember the best moments you spent together. Create in your imagination new plots, images, pictures in which you are doing something together, you are somewhere. For example, imagine yourself with your beloved in a mysterious forest. It smells deliciously of pine needles, birds sing, a light breeze blows, beauty and harmony reign everywhere. You sit on soft green grass and eat goodies. Imagining this, try to use all receptors of perception: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste. This will make the picture that you paint in your imagination more complete.
Step 2
Think about how you can contact this person. Call him, write an SMS or even a regular letter. Find him on the Internet: maybe he sits on social networks, chats, ICQ.
Step 3
Once you find your chosen one, proceed with caution but decisiveness. Make him feel important and significant to you, emphasize his dignity. As if by chance, remind him of any of his achievements, successes, outstanding qualities. So that it doesn't sound like flattery, speak and write sincerely, from the heart. Be honest with him that you want to see him. Explain why you want it, what motives are driving you. By talking frankly, you will build the trust of your loved one and, perhaps, be able to better understand your feelings.
Step 4
Invite the person at a specific time to a specific location. State the specific purpose of your meeting. Offer the person an interesting activity that you can do together. Arouse his keen interest.
Step 5
If the person refuses to meet you, politely and gently ask them to explain the reasons for the refusal. Perhaps he misunderstood something, or maybe he has a lot of important and urgent matters. In case of refusal, do not rush to pounce on the person with indignation and reproaches. Try to calmly listen to the explanation and understand his point of view. It can be helpful to put yourself in the shoes of the other person.
Step 6
If the person you have chosen does not want to meet with you in any way, take it for granted and calm down. Switch to something else. Meet with friends, chat with loved ones. Find a hobby that will swallow you up. Schedule your day so that you don't have time for empty daydreams.
Step 7
Think about what in your behavior pushed the person away from you. Learn a lesson for the future so you don't repeat the same mistakes. Maybe you were overly self-centered? Little interest in the affairs and concerns of a loved one, did not pay him enough attention? Find a quality in yourself that, in your opinion, should be worked on, and get started.