As soon as parents try to feed their child: they play in a plane flying into the hangar, and they eat for dad and mom, and children stubbornly refuse to eat healthy, but not very tasty, in their opinion, food. However, there are parents who have succeeded in this business much more. Their secret is simple: you need to make children's dishes attractive, and the children will eat them without being forced. In a word, arm yourself with imagination, and we will show you some ideas.

Step 1
It would seem that only a magician can force a child to eat milk porridge. But if you pour it neatly, and put a funny face on top of candied fruits. Then, next to the plate, place the SpongeBob-shaped cheese sandwich. Make a fresh shake by whisking fruits with milk or natural yogurt in a blender. Then you will be very surprised that only dirty dishes will remain on the table in a few minutes.
Step 2
Many original children's dishes can be made from eggs, for example, the "Fungus in the Forest" dish. To make 2 servings, take 3 chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 2 black tea bags and a bunch of greens. Boil the eggs and peel. In the same water in which they were boiled, brew strong tea. Put the tea leaves on the fire and place one boiled and peeled egg in it. Cook for a minute. The egg should take on a nice brown color. Now you can proceed to the design of the children's dish. Make a small nest out of greens that imitates grass, put a white egg in it, which will become a mushroom leg, cut a brown egg, remove the yolk and place a half on the egg in the nest. You already have a fungus that is very similar to the real one. Place mayonnaise near the nest and sprinkle with half of the crumbled yolk. Make a second fungus with the remaining ingredients.
Step 3
Salads deserve a separate discussion. When organizing a children's table, it is best to put salads not in one large salad bowl, but in portions: either in small bowls or in edible tartlets. The second option is preferable. You can buy edible dishes (tartlets), or you can bake yourself. To do this, it is enough to start a puff pastry. Roll it out and cut it into small squares (6-7 cm side). Cut half of the squares diagonally crosswise, without cutting to the end, put these squares on solid ones, already greased with an egg, and bend the resulting corners from the inside to the outside. Again grease the semi-finished product with an egg, pierce the middle with a fork so that it does not rise, and place in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes. The tartlets are ready. Now it remains to arrange the salads in tasty plates and decorate on top with figures of animals or insects cut from vegetables or fruits. You cannot drag children by the ears from a dish decorated in this way.