Have you been borrowed and not returned? It is best to lend an amount that you can forgive. What if the amount is very large? There are several proven ways to make you pay off debt.

Step 1
Understand the reasons why the debtor does not repay the debt. Maybe he lost his job, got into a disability accident, or he has a child and his family is spending a lot. If the debtor really has a force majeure situation, then you can postpone the debt repayment by drawing up an additional receipt. In this receipt, you can prescribe penalties, or additional interest for late return of the debt. If you gave a debt to a friend - be sure to take a receipt, do not hesitate. It is debt that makes friends enemies.
Step 2
If the debtor refuses to meet with you, avoids you in every possible way - start attacking the phones. Call his close and distant relatives, explain the situation that Vasya Pupkin took a debt, wrote a receipt, but does not want to give it back. After all, you can apply to the police with this receipt. Compassionate relatives will definitely contact the debtor and tell him that he will face a trial. If the debtor has financial problems, then relatives can help find the necessary amount to pay off the debt, just not to embarrass themselves and not hear about debts.
Step 3
If the debtor does not give in to the persuasion of relatives, your phone calls does not bother him, then it’s time to contact a collection agency. They will find methods of influencing the debtor and return your money. However, the amount will decrease by 25%. Collectors will charge themselves about a quarter for their services. They themselves will prepare a lawsuit in court, they themselves will be engaged in reminders of the debt. Be sure to call the manager of the company in which the debtor works and tell you about the outstanding debt obligations. Collectors take their interest only in case of successful debt collection.
Step 4
Contact a lawyer. A lawyer will help you to correctly draw up a statement of claim to the court. Long trials are guaranteed to you. The most important thing is that you have a receipt from the debtor, in which the time frame for the refund is clearly spelled out.