Do I Need To Scold Children For Poor Grades

Do I Need To Scold Children For Poor Grades
Do I Need To Scold Children For Poor Grades

Probably, in the life of almost every student it happened to receive unsatisfactory grades. Some schoolchildren honestly admit that they have a bad mark to their parents, while others want to hide this unfortunate fact in every way. How should parents behave in such a situation and should the child be punished or scolded for poor grades?

Do I need to scold children for poor grades
Do I need to scold children for poor grades

In most cases, parents, having learned about a bad grade, begin by all means to express their negative attitude towards the situation. Discontent can be expressed in words, gestures, incessant lectures, and some even grab a belt. Seeing such a parental reaction, children often withdraw into themselves, stop trusting their parents, and begin to cheat in order to avoid repeating an unpleasant situation. Growing up, children are even more distant from their parents, ignoring their demands and statements.

Despite the fact that the situation with a deuce is not very pleasant, try to control yourself, do not call names or scold the child, do not speak badly about his mental abilities, and so on. Schoolchildren perceive such criticism not as an assessment of their knowledge, but as a mockery of their personality.

It is also not necessary to treat with humor or ignore the fact of receiving an unsatisfactory grade, such a parental reaction can provoke a child to abandon school altogether. If necessary, you can help the child with homework, explain misunderstood material, but you do not need to do the homework for the student, such a disservice will not bring any benefit in the future.

If the child did not learn the lessons without a good reason, for example, forgot or walked on the street, played with friends, etc., there is no need to cover him up in front of the teacher. The child must be responsible for all his actions.

First of all, pull yourself together, sit next to the child and try to explain what was the reason for the unsatisfactory grade. Be sure to tell them that you are upset too, and try to help if you can. A bad grade is not always the result of a lack of the necessary knowledge, sometimes bad health, a conflict in the classroom or with the teacher, poorly understood material, etc., can affect.

Due to the fact that recently a large amount of lessons have been given to home, and the teacher gives the necessary minimum, it is quite possible that the child simply did not understand the material. Try to understand this topic together with the student, if necessary, call the teacher, if you have the financial opportunity, you can visit the tutor.

If your poor performance is related to the inability to speak in front of an audience, practice with your child to tell the report and the abstract aloud, in the presence of the rest of the family. When the student has mastered the incomprehensible material, ask him to approach the teacher to correct the bad grade. And, most importantly, be your child's friend in any situation, so that he knows that the family will understand and support him.
