A marriage with a clergyman is the dream of many girls. A non-drinker, a believing husband, many children, an atmosphere of love and respect - all these are inalienable attributes of a priest's family. But in order to find the cherished family happiness, you need to work hard on yourself. After all, a priest's wife should be an example of decency and virtue.

Step 1
If you want to become the wife of an Orthodox priest, then, first of all, you must take care of your moral character. After all, the ministers of the church do not value beauty in a woman, but morality.
Step 2
Therefore, you should, first, study the Holy Scriptures, the treatises of the church fathers on the family, and other spiritual literature. And second, bring your wardrobe in line with religious rules. The clergy have a great dislike for women in trousers, short skirts, and in revealing, bright outfits.
Step 3
When your appearance begins to correspond to the ideals of your future husband, you can proceed to the very acquaintance. It is impossible to marry an already working priest, so you need to look for a husband among the future ministers of the church, seminar students. Many girls regularly gather outside the seminaries, wanting to meet future priests. So in your quest you will not be alone.
Step 4
Many future priests want to marry and be ordained already being married. Seminarians live in almost complete isolation, so it is extremely difficult for them to find a wife on their own. Therefore, you will be welcomed there with great joy.
Step 5
When meeting and communicating, you should remember that relationships with clergy differ from secular ones. Behave with modesty and restraint, as befits an Orthodox Christian woman.
Step 6
If you are ready to associate your profession with the church, then you yourself can enter the theological seminary at the Faculty of Religious Studies. So you will not only be able to meet your future husband-priest there, but after graduation you will also be able to work alongside him.
Step 7
Finally, you can marry a deeply religious person and support them in their efforts to become ordained. In this case, you will be able to support your beloved, go with him all this difficult path from entering seminary to preaching work.