The ancient Vedic texts sometimes contain information that we really lack in our daily modern life. What is love of two? Why do some people part, while others are tormented with each other, while others seem to be blessed - and their children are wonderful, and the house is full, and they themselves seem to be glowing, looking at each other? What is a sacred marriage? If you think about the Vedic philosophy of love, you can find answers to many questions - and avoid fatal mistakes that lead to the loss of love.

According to ancient Vedic wisdom, the union between a man and a woman is considered sacred if it is pleasing to the gods and develops according to the divine plan, consisting of seven stages, smoothly flowing into one another or manifesting themselves as a miraculous explosion at the same time.
Contemplation stage
Love at first sight - this is how you can characterize the initial stage of sacred love. A man or a woman sees the chosen one predetermined by the gods, the heart tells that the meeting took place for a reason. At this stage, involuntary sympathy, excitement arises. The lovers seem to be looking at each other, enjoying mutual contemplation. By the way, in the love games of all peoples there is such an expression: "make eyes." The stage of contemplation brings quiet joy.
Initiation stage
The initiator of the relationship (usually a man or both lovers) shows active attention, demonstrates sympathy, courting. The desire to please each other is the main content of this courtship period. In this stage of love, lovers receive external information about each other. Solitary walks, exchange of pleasantries, careful inquiries and stories - about parents, about interests, about tastes, thus everything is aimed at knowing the other.
Heart opening stage
This is the happiest period - the joy of meeting, love yearning, the desire to see each other as often as possible. No wonder the sages call it "the honeymoon of hearts." During this period of time, the hearts of lovers are open, they exude luminous streams of tenderness, love and kindness on each other. Sometimes it seems that both lovers walk as if hypnotized by each other. Unlike modern customs, which allow for rapid convergence, the ancient Vedic knowledge recommends not to engage in sexual relations at this stage in order to enjoy the bliss of pure love, so as not to let passion destroy the "flower of true love." Passion should be the servant of love, not dominate, burning bodies and hearts. This stage of “heart opening” can last for several months, or even several years, but only those who pass this test will cultivate a love that will live in their hearts all their lives.
The stage of contact
This is the most difficult stage. Love is presented here as a tremendous spiritual work. The task of lovers should be a comprehensive knowledge of each other, the contact of their souls, hearts, bodies, minds, lives. This period is very important for improving karma. Spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical, social and everyday contact requires attention and love, the art of being together. This period begins with the decision to be husband and wife in every sense. Vedic wisdom obliged young spouses to take such an oath to a friend: "I am you, and you are me." In other words, the lovers ceased to feel the boundaries between each other. The difficulty was that the hearts of lovers could close in front of each other: resentment, jealousy, misunderstanding, fear of losing their happiness, excessive passion - all this must be outlived in this difficult but happy period. This stage was considered the most responsible, since it was at this stage in the development of relations that a break could occur - internal or external. The task of lovers at this stage is to preserve, deepen their relationship, cultivate respect for each other, which is not easy for people who are too absorbed in carnal passion and emotional dependence.
Creation stage
During this period, the hearts of lovers must already pass the test of pleasure - physical and emotional closeness. In the previous period, there was a release from illusions. Now the spouses are ready to accept each other with all imperfections and shortcomings - they have learned to love everything in each other! Now they are ready to create a new world, and they are ready to accept into their world the souls of children who are to be born to them. In anticipation of those who will become their people, the couple in love "create a divine Garden of love, where each flower is tenderly taken care of." Born children are flowers in this beautiful garden. During this period, the spouses learn not to put pressure on children, give up attempts to remake them. The stage of creation is very long, it is associated with the growth and upbringing of children, and at the same time - with tireless spiritual work. This is a time of physical and social prosperity.
Self-sacrifice stage
This stage involves getting rid of everything that prevents love from taking place in a pure spirit. Relationships are tested for strength, both spouses get rid of unnecessary attachments, bad habits, vices, finally destroying everything artificial that creates a barrier between them. This stage is crowned with the fact that only love, tenderness is dropped between the spouses, they anticipate the divine light.
Harmony stage
This wonderful stage is associated with maximum interpenetration, both spouses are mutually permeable, they feel each other at a distance, know everything about each other, sending the divine light of love even when their physical bodies are far from each other. Their hearts merged into one huge heart, permeated with the energy of divine love. Their relationship is a stream of endless tenderness and understanding, an inexhaustible waterfall of bliss that brings both space and time into harmony around them. Everything blooms around them, no matter what they touch. Even intense pain has no power over the bliss of love, whose flow cannot be obscured by even the most difficult circumstances. The souls of lovers are one whole, and the spouses do not part even after death, being in the same energy-informational matrix.
Vedas say
The Vedas say that those mortals who have passed all seven stages of the spiritual development of love become perfect, enlightened, cleansed of karmic sins and return to the bosom of God. Sacred marriage is a marriage that is concluded in heaven, and no storms and adversity of life can darken the joy of lovers who become like gods. Doesn't one of the lovers dream about it? We can say that this is far from modern ideas about happiness. But maybe it is in such relationships that the real values lie, which we forget about in the heat of petty quarrels and claims that destroy our feelings?