Time flies fast: not long ago your baby took his first steps, and today it is time to take him to the kindergarten. Whether he will be comfortable and interesting there depends largely on the parents, whose main task is to help the child get used to kindergarten.

Step 1
Start preparing for kindergarten in advance, the sooner the better. A positive psychological attitude is very important: while walking, pay attention of the kid to the children playing in the playgrounds of the kindergarten, talk about how interesting and fun it is there. If possible, let your child play with kindergarten kids. At this time, get to know your future caregiver yourself and try to find a common language with him - the comfort of your child in a preschool will largely depend on this person.
Step 2
Prepare your child physically as well. He should be able to use a pot, a spoon, undress and dress independently. Get your child used to the daily routine. It will be very good if you take care of strengthening the baby's immunity - in the children's team they start to get sick more often than at home. To do this, walk more in the fresh air, if possible - take the child to the sea.
Step 3
Decorate your first visit to the kindergarten as a little party. Put on a festive outfit and take your favorite toys with you. Let the child choose for himself what of things and clothes to take with him - it will be pleasant for him to be aware of himself as an adult and independent.
Step 4
Agree in advance with the teacher that she will not allow you to say goodbye for a long time, but will immediately carry the child into the group - to meet the children, watch toys, help prepare for breakfast, etc. If you avoid fear and tears on the first day, the next will be much easier.
Step 5
Tell the caregiver about the child's habits, what he likes and dislikes. This information will help the preschool educator find an individual approach to your child.
Step 6
Do not be late for the time when the child needs to be picked up from the kindergarten. In the first days, he will spend 1-2 hours in the children's team, later, when he gets used to it, he will stay for the whole day. Be sure to praise your child for good behavior, say how proud you are that he is very large and independent.
Step 7
Think of new important things to do in the kindergarten if the child is naughty and refuses to go. Most likely, you will be asked to bring soap, tissues, toilet paper. Give the child one object every day and entrust it to the caregiver, focusing the child's attention on the fact that this is a very important task.
Step 8
Maintain a calm and prosperous atmosphere at home. During the period of the child's getting used to kindergarten, try to spare his nervous system as much as possible, watch TV less often, play together more often and read books.
Step 9
Be aware that successful adaptation to kindergarten does not mean that the child will be happy to go there. He has the right to be sad when parting with you and not love kindergarten too much. But if the child understands the need to visit the kindergarten, he is considered adapted. If the tears and tantrums last too long, consider staying at home for another year.