If a child goes to kindergarten for the first time, then it will be a severe stress and shock for him, since separation from home and mother is the most terrible thing for him. During this period, it is extremely important to help the baby adapt to the new environment with strangers. Only parents and family can help him to tune in correctly and avoid many fears and inconveniences.

Step 1
Preparing a child for kindergarten begins before him. It is worth going with your baby to the playground more often and playing with other children. It is necessary that children change their home environment as often as possible and spend more time with other people, adapt to society.
Step 2
It is necessary to teach the child to play with common toys, share their own and change them. And also communicate with other children, get acquainted and introduce themselves. Just one question "what's your name?" already breaks down many communication barriers. To begin with, parents themselves can start asking the names of other children on the site, and then connect their baby to this. This will allow him to avoid numerous conflicts, embarrassment and fears.
Step 3
It is advisable to play with the child in kindergarten at home and in role-playing processes show what the teacher is doing, what delicious porridge the cook prepares, how fun it is for children to play and practice in the garden. Also, it is worth speaking in words about the process of staying in kindergarten only in a positive way. The child should have extremely positive ideas about their first educational institution.
Step 4
Before the start of the school year, you can walk with the baby several times at the proposed kindergarten, explain to him that here he will play with other children, study and get acquainted with the educators. If possible, then go to the territory and play on the veranda or in the sandbox. The first preliminary acquaintance with the environment and the terrain will greatly facilitate the sensations of the child when he really goes to the garden.
Step 5
Teach your child to practice kindergarten before going there. This is a very important and necessary point. Many children do not sleep at home during quiet hours, do not eat according to the regimen, and walk late in the evening. And in kindergarten, they are faced with the established rules, which must be adhered to. The kid may not understand why he should go to bed during the day if he has not done this at home for a long time. So a month or two before the start of the school year, you need to introduce the "quiet hour" rule at home, and preferably during the quiet hour in the garden. Also enter the mode of getting up and going to bed. After all, a child who wakes up at 10 am will not be able to calmly wake up at 7 am to go to the garden. This will entail a lot of tantrums, stress and tears. The home mode should be as close as possible to the garden mode.
Step 6
Leaving your child in kindergarten should be done gradually and slowly. To begin with, you can leave the baby for only 2-3 hours so that he gets acquainted with the new environment, the teacher and the nanny. Then the hours need to be increased and left until lunchtime. In this case, it is necessary to watch how the child behaves in the garden. Do not rush and increase the time spent in the institution, it is better to slowly, every 2-3 days. And only when the child stays for lunch without any problems and for a quiet hour, then you can try to leave him for a full day.

Step 7
You can not delay the process of saying goodbye to the child in the garden in the morning. This only makes the baby even more frustrated and provokes more tears. Children always feel the mood of their mother and her willingness to burst into tears herself. So the best thing to do is to hug, kiss the child and tell him that you will pick him up after a walk, after lunch, or after sleeping. Then immediately leave and not look into the windows. If a child notices a parent at the building of the garden, nervously peering into the windows of the group, this will only aggravate the child's mood.
Step 8
Never deceive a child and do not say that "you will come for him soon."This "soon" for him can mean "will come in 5 minutes, in 1 hour, etc." But in fact, the parent will pick him up only after lunch. Such an expectation is very painful for children, and they hope and expect every minute that their mother is about to pick him up. Better to say firmly that you will return for it immediately after a quiet hour. Then the baby understands the approximate time when they will come for him. Only in no case should you be late or come later. Such deception severely traumatizes the psyche of children and undermines their trust.
Step 9
Do not scold a child in kindergarten in front of other children or educators. And also threaten him that now leave him and leave if he does not stop crying and hysteria. You are the support for him, the center of the earth and the universe. He expects only support, care, attention and understanding from his parents. Crying in kindergarten is normal.
Step 10
Never encourage a child to attend kindergarten one time. The phrase "You go to kindergarten and I will buy you a chocolate bar for this" will only lead to the fact that the child will eventually begin to manipulate his parents and constantly wait for any gifts for a very common event - going to kindergarten. The child must understand that kindergarten is his permanent place of spending time before school, it is a new, but quite normal, common and logical stage in his life, to which he must get used to.