Everyone has heard that irregular sex is fraught with health problems, but few can say for sure what diseases it threatens. The lack of regular sex not only affects mood and vitality, but can actually lead to various serious illnesses.

For men, refusal to have sex is fraught with a decrease in potency and even its loss. Experts have found that the lack of sex life in men threatens heart attack and obesity. To maintain heart health and body beauty, you need to exercise half an hour 5 times a week. If it is not possible to make love so often, compensate for the lack of exercise load.
Episodic sexual activity for women causes problems in the form of painful menstruation, decreased self-esteem and psychological fatigue. Women with a narrow waist, lush hips and luxurious breasts are especially affected by irregular sex. They are distinguished by a high content of estrogen in the blood, so this type of the fair sex tolerates sexual restraint worse than others.
A frequent cause of a disorder in the hormonal system of women is the lack of sexual activity. Irregular sex leads to a decrease in the production of sex hormones. The use of protein, the intake of sedatives and herbal infusions with a sedative effect will help to improve the condition.
Lack of sex takes a hit on the reproductive functions of both men and women. Irregular lovemaking negatively affects your overall health and reduces your chances of successfully conceiving a child.