A typical situation: the old relationship is over, and the new one is not yet expected. Both man and woman after a long relationship come to their senses for some time, trying to completely free themselves from the past. True, sometimes some still decide to have sex with former partners. What motivates people in moments of this weakness, and what consequences can be after spontaneous sex with former lovers.

Reasons for having sex with ex-lovers
According to various studies, the main reason for having sex with ex-lovers is mutual attraction. As the saying goes, you can't argue with feelings, and sometimes people just can't completely free themselves from each other after parting. So it turns out that, despite mutual claims and insurmountable disagreements, former lovers are still drawn to each other and it is difficult to fight this feeling.
Some people agree to have sex with their former lovers out of revenge. After a painful breakup, there is often a desire to prove to the former partner his superiority, to clearly show what he has lost.
Often, couples have sex after the breakup for the sake of health. It's no secret that after regular sex it is very difficult to interrupt casual relationships, but here everything seems to be clear. With mutual consent, pleasure is guaranteed.
Sometimes nostalgia makes you have sex with your former lovers. This happens long after the breakup, when the first emotions have already subsided and all the bad things associated with the breakup recede into the background. A period of memories comes, and it is he who pushes the former lovers to spend an unforgettable passionate night together again.
You can look for a long time for the reason for having sex with your ex, but if you look at the situation with an open mind, you can be surprised to find that it is that simply none of the couple has managed to find a worthy replacement. It turns out that in the absence of fish …

The consequences of sex with former loved ones
There are several options for the development of further events. Some couples, after breaking up, through regular "friendly" sex, realize that they made a mistake when they decided to break off the relationship. The couple reunite again. However, such a scenario is possible only if none of the partners ever started a serious relationship.
Unfortunately, in most cases, sex with a former loved one ends with nothing, especially if the reasons for the separation have not been eliminated. Minute weakness and nothing more, and then the former lovers return to their usual lives and continue to exist separately from each other.
It is worth thinking very carefully before agreeing to have sex with an ex. If love and hope still live in the heart in this way to return the former lover, then you should not expect that sex from old memory is guaranteed to return the old relationship.