Psychosomatics. Causes Of Childhood Illnesses

Psychosomatics. Causes Of Childhood Illnesses
Psychosomatics. Causes Of Childhood Illnesses

The biggest reason for the emergence of diseases in the modern world is bad ecology. When people breathe dirty air, eat unnatural food, then sooner or later the body simply cannot stand it and gets sick or breaks down, like a car, into the tank of which bad fuel has been poured.

Psychosomatics. Causes of childhood illnesses
Psychosomatics. Causes of childhood illnesses

The unsatisfactory state of health of the parents at the time of the birth of the child also has a great impact. It can be both physical and psychological problems, and sometimes it is a combination of both factors, as a result of which an unhealthy baby is born.

There is one more reason - this is the state of genetics of the whole family of this family on the part of the mother and on the part of the child's father. Since children are still very weak, they become the first target when there are problems in the family.

As a rule, a very important role is played by how well the mother of the child has succeeded in being able to express her feelings and emotions. The more she is squeezed in this issue, the more clearly various psychosomatic diseases are manifested in the child. The world is so arranged that it is the mother who plays the biggest role in the life of the child, especially the very small one. She should provide him not only mental comfort, but also physical safety.

Until the age of seven, mother and child are like a single energy system, so you can often observe a picture when the mother of a child up to seven years old quarreled with someone, and the baby develops symptoms of a cold. This is not surprising if you know about the bond between mother and child on an emotional and energetic level. Of course, there are families where it so happened that the role of the mother is played by the father or another relative, and then this connection applies to them.
