Parents are the most significant people who only exist in the life of a small child from birth to its formation as a teenager. In addition to direct care and financial support, both mom and dad are responsible for adapting the child to modern social life. What roles does a father have in raising a son and daughter?

Role in raising a son
- An example for male behavior. The son begins to show himself as a man when he begins to imitate his father - his older comrade, to whom he feels his trust and respect. So it is extremely important that it is the father who behaves with his son with special understanding and love, while showing his best qualities, such as responsibility, masculinity and independence. Only in this case will the little son try to follow his father's example in order to eventually grow up as a worthy and self-confident man.
- Understanding the details in the relationship of the sexes. By his personal example, the father fosters in his son respect and respect for his mother, wife and for the woman in general. Growing up, the child will subconsciously copy the attitude of his father towards his mother, transferring such attitudes towards himself and the opposite sex. As a result, as an adult, he will transfer the corresponding model of behavior to his family.
- Support. A father who supports his son in all respects gives him an excellent opportunity to believe in his own strength and forms the boy's mood for victory.
Role in raising a daughter
- Raising femininity. From the very first days, the father should tell his daughter as often as possible that she is skillful, beautiful and elegant. Such praises and compliments from the father create in the girl the right feeling of confidence and dignity in herself, which, in turn, gives her the opportunity to develop well and accept herself as a woman.
- The concept of the relationship between the sexes. The father teaches his daughter how to behave with men, and by his own example. The daughter, like the son, will look at her father, but it is the daughter who will choose his best qualities and look for a husband with the same qualities, and the parental relationship will be the system of relationships between the daughter and her future husband.
- Support. If the father in every possible way demonstrates respect and love for his daughter, then in the end she will grow up to be an open and kind person. And the feeling that the father will always be able to support will create confidence in the daughter in her abilities.
The correct fatherly attitude is necessary for both daughters and sons, and if the relationship between father and child does not work well in the family, then this can be a very serious problem.