A mother dreams that her son would grow up as a real man: brave, reliable, responsible, hardworking. But for this, her efforts alone are not enough. For a boy to become such a man, it is very important that there is always an example of a caring, loving, reasonably demanding father in front of his eyes. It is the father who plays the main role in the formation of the future masculinity of the child.

The role of the father in raising a child
Why is it important for a father to care for his son as an infant? Some men are sure that only women should deal with helpless babies, and husbands are supposed to join the upbringing process a little later, when the children grow up a little, start walking and talking. However, this is a misconception. The sooner the father starts caring for the baby, the faster and easier the child will develop psychological attachment and trust to him. A helpless baby, for obvious reasons, most of all depends on the mother, and is most attached to her. But it is very important for him to understand that dad also loves him. Then, at an older age, it is much easier for him to establish a close, trusting relationship with his father.
Dad is quite capable of swaddling a baby, rocking him, humming a lullaby, or taking him out for a walk. This is not difficult. The fears of many men that they may inadvertently hurt a small child through inexperience are untenable.
In addition, the participation of the father in caring for the young son helps the child to become less dependent on the mother, which is very important for the formation of the future male character.
Does a growing child need a father
The growing son takes an example from his father. When the boy grows up a little, he begins, like a sponge, to absorb the knowledge and habits obtained when communicating with the closest people: mom and dad. At the same time, observing the behavior of the father, listening to what he says and in what tone, the son involuntarily concludes: this is exactly how men behave. And he begins to imitate his father. Both good and bad.
Of course, imitation is far from always complete, but some part of the habits, manners, views of the father, the son certainly adopts.
There are no ideal people in the world, so any father will certainly have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. But it is very important that the father gives his son significantly more good examples than negative ones. This is especially true of the relationship of the child's father to his mother. If the husband is polite, patient, does not allow rudeness, tactlessness towards his wife, listens carefully to her opinion, then their son, most likely, will grow up to be a gallant man, sympathetic and kind. If the father treats the mother with disdain, rudeness, does not take into account her opinion, and even more so, raises a hand to her, it is highly likely that the grown son will bring elements of the same relationship into his married life.