The Role Of The Father In The Family

The Role Of The Father In The Family
The Role Of The Father In The Family

Modern life makes its own adjustments to everything, including the scheme of raising children. And if a hundred years ago a man was considered the full-fledged head of the family, today a woman may well cope with this responsibility on her own.

The role of the father in the family
The role of the father in the family

What is a man in a family for?

How was home life and family relationships built before? Mom cooked, cleaned, and raised the children, and the father did all the hard work around the house: chopping wood, building, going hunting, or making tools. The child always had the image of a father before his eyes, and what he was doing for the family, how he was taking care of it, was obvious and understandable.

Today, when fathers spend most of their time at work, how they behave at home and how they show their attitude towards children is fundamental in the formation of the child's perception of dad. And that is why it is extremely important for modern fathers not only to provide for their family financially, but also to pay sufficient attention to their children and take care of them, on an equal basis with the mother.

Role model

Whether a man pays enough attention to his children or shifts the entire burden of this responsibility onto his wife, he still exerts a certain influence on them. As you know, boys instinctively begin to imitate their fathers, want to be like them, or unconsciously copy some elements of their behavior. Girls, on the other hand, see dad as an example of the necessary masculine qualities, because until a certain time it is the father who is the only and most important man in their life.

If the family is incomplete and the father is simply not around, or the mother takes full responsibility and care for the children, and the man does not take any part in their upbringing, the model of relationships inherent in the children also changes. In such families, boys grow up pampered and too infantile and even in adulthood cannot take responsibility for their families. Girls, on the contrary, seeing that there is no one to protect them and take care of them, get used to solving their problems without the help of a man and unconsciously push her away, even if such an opportunity is given.

Man's business

Do not think that a man who spends a lot of time with a child is not a man. The father of the family not only can, but must also take part in raising children. And not when the children grow up and they can be taken with you on a fishing trip or to the zoo, but from the very birth. Recent studies by scientists have proven that if a man does not take part in caring for a newborn child, after two years the mother automatically takes over all responsibilities in this area and simply pushes the man out of the child's life. Remember - care and love are necessary for children from the very first day of life.
