In the life of every child, the main roles are assigned to the father and mother. But the father does not always play an active role. After work, tired, he wants to rest, read the newspaper or just watch the news. But, the child needs communication with his father no less than his mother's.

Father and son
The father's behavior greatly affects the child's self-esteem. A father who sees in his child a son, an athlete, will focus on ball games from childhood. This behavior is not acceptable, the child may want to do other things. It happens that the father infringes on and ridicules the child's occupation. Thus, the baby's self-esteem is reduced, and the child may lose interest in the activity that he has so recently taken a great interest in. The main and most common mistake many men make is ridiculing their son for his weakness. The expression "men don't cry" is wrong. The boy, whose father constantly pulls and ridicules, grows up introverted. He walks through life with the idea that it is impossible to show emotions to men. In a family, such a man will be stingy with affection and sentimentality. Pay more attention to your son. Take him fishing, football. And nothing that he is still small. The realization that the father takes him with him to "men's affairs" adds self-esteem to the baby. If you do something, do not drive the child away. Let him make a contribution to the development of your activity. Your son's happy eyes will be the reward.
Father and daughter
The role of the father in the girl's life is no less important than the role of the mother. She will not imitate, like a son, but praise and attention from a man is important to her. Paying attention to a new dress, or praising how she helped mom cook, should become the basis for dad's upbringing of his daughter. It is important for her to assert herself, since she has a feminine origin. Future relationships with boys will depend on how closely she interacted with her father. The baby's self-esteem directly depends on the father's attention. She likes it when her father pampers her, makes her feel like a princess. It is in such cases that a self-sufficient, self-confident girl grows up, who later will have a strong, wonderful family. The father shows his daughter how “broad-minded” a man can be, and forms in his daughter the correct perception of men. Another important point is the mutual respect of the parents. Here lies the very essence, the model of which she will partially transfer into her life.