Holidays are loved by everyone, both adults and children. But if for adults a holiday is just entertainment and relaxation, then for children it is a whole range of developmental and educational exercises.

The holiday is one of the most important aspects in the life of children. It is simply necessary for the development of the child, if, of course, the parents want to raise a successful person. After all, success in life directly depends on the positive emotions we received in childhood. What we are, our goals and achievements, life values, our life as a whole, we take all this from childhood and carry it with us through our entire life path.
Some adults mistakenly think that childhood itself is already a holiday, no work for you, no problems and inner experiences. This position is fundamentally wrong! Children are the same people, they also know how to worry and they also have their own problems, only the scale of these problems, according to adults, is completely insignificant. Try to listen to your child, talk to him, understand him, and you will be convinced that he does an enormous amount of work every day, which is in no way inferior in importance to yours.
That is why the holidays are so important for children. But even here the child does not stop learning new things and developing.
At any holiday, the child learns to communicate, this is very important for the little person. Making new acquaintances, finding common interests is necessary, this is a kind of adaptation. Through communication, children quickly learn generally accepted norms of behavior, moral values, which in the future plays an important role in the formation of an independent social personality of a child.
Participation in massive games and competitions gives children the opportunity to see how important it is to help and support each other. In a playful way, they learn to be responsive, learn to define their role in the lives of others.
Any holiday develops the creativity of the child. Various master classes that are held during the holidays, games aimed at revealing creativity, and just dancing - all this is creativity. And what about family holidays? Remember the trepidation with which children make crafts, gifts for their most beloved parents, paint pictures, putting their whole soul into it. With what excitement and joy they present these works of art to their families. Is this not the result?
Emotions are the most important thing in a person's life. Everything depends on what emotions prevail in your life, good or bad! For children, they play a very important role, so the more positive emotions there are in a child's life, the more successful he will be in the future. If you want your child to grow up really strong and successful, you will have to try hard to fill his childhood with positive emotions. And the more there are, the better. This is where the holidays will help you.
What are the holidays
Nowadays, it is not difficult to find a reason for a holiday, especially for children. There are small holidays, for example, such as going with children to an amusement park or to performances, but for a child it is a holiday.
The presence of a huge number of shopping and entertainment centers also makes it possible to expand the "poster" of holidays in the life of a child, because it is there that you can attend themed parties, master classes and entertainment programs for free. Shopping centers very often arrange such events.
Matinees in kindergartens, school events, performances, concerts in which your child is directly involved, all this should be a holiday and make them so, the task of parents. It is when a child feels a festive atmosphere, and not an obligation to adults for a good performance, that he will receive positive emotions and is not under constant stress.
And of course, traditional family holidays that teach little hearts of love, teach to appreciate traditions, teach to appreciate a family!