In a modern family, a man and a woman are in approximately equal positions. Women work on an equal footing with their husbands and bring income to the family. But besides this, they have additional responsibilities that men, as a rule, are in no hurry to take on.

Role in the family as a wife
Keeping the apartment clean and cozy. In the modern world, this is easier to do, because there are many electronic assistants - a vacuum cleaner, a multicooker, a washing machine and a dishwasher. All this helps to make housework easier.
Another role of a woman is a cook. Every day, you need to prepare food, trying to strike a balance between benefit and taste. At the same time, take into account the tastes and preferences of all family members.
The most enjoyable role is the beloved woman. Be close to her husband, give affection and accept it in return. Listen to all the sorrows, cheer up and share your experiences. At night, indulge in love with her husband, delivering and achieving pleasure.
Leisure planning and organization. As a rule, it is women who think over entertainment for the family, going out for a barbecue or a trip to another city. Then you have to make a lot of effort to plan your vacation, taking into account the wishes of all family members.
Making joint decisions with her husband. Gone are the days when everything was decided by a man, and women only took everything for granted. Now you can discuss the problem and jointly find a solution that suits both spouses.
Role in the family as a mother
But the main role of a woman is motherhood. She gives life to a baby, bears 9 months under her heart and provides protection for her entire life. In the first years of the child, there is always a mother next to him - she protects, teaches, protects and feeds. Therefore, the rest of the functions are relegated to the background, because now there is a more important mission.
It is not enough to give life to a child, the most important thing is to properly educate and raise a child. Therefore, women invest a lot of time and effort in the education of the baby. Self-study, and then attending circles, courses and educational institutions with the child.
Caring and understanding for the whole family. During illness of loved ones, she spends a lot of time with them, providing proper care. She will caress each family member, cheer up, listen and help overcome problems in life.
But roles can change depending on the preferences of the woman and her man. If your husband loves to work with children or is an excellent cook, you can switch responsibilities and make a plan of action that is convenient for everyone. There are families in which all household chores are performed by a man, and a woman is completely devoted to work. There are no definite standards, because the main thing is that for a woman her role in the family should be joyful and enjoyable.