The emancipation of women is only increasing, and there are almost no areas of activity left where women would not occupy leading positions on a par with men. If so, it becomes incomprehensible why people create families at all?

How things were in the past
Once upon a time, a man was absolutely necessary for a woman. He provided for the family, was support and support, was responsible and made decisions. A successful marriage largely predetermined the fate of a woman, and not getting married was considered a sad and even a little shameful phenomenon.
If there were ladies who devoted their lives to science or creativity, then they were considered strange. Even in a more or less enlightened time, which, as can be considered, came after the Renaissance, these women were treated with caution and thought that they were a little crazy. And before the Renaissance, they could have sent them to the fire. There was no question of combining the realization of talent and marriage. Although there are happy exceptions, for example, Maria Sklodowska-Curie, but that is why they are known, that there are very few of them.
Moreover, they prepared for marriage very responsibly. This was considered the main business of a woman. From childhood, the girl was trained to become a good wife: she studied cooking, handicrafts and good manners. Not everyone thought about teaching her to count or read. In traditional societies, where this role of a woman has survived to this day, the more educated a girl is, the worse she is as a bride.
When a girl got married, she made a commitment to follow her husband and endure the adversity that this might entail. If the marriage was unhappy, then it was a lifelong tragedy. But, unlike her husband, the wife could not make decisions. Even if the man was weak or stupid and squandered his fortune, the wife could not take the management of the family wealth into her own hands.
Current state of affairs
When the first women began to fight for their rights, not only men, but other women too, looked at it with derision. Nevertheless, the situation in which today a girl can make decisions on her own, choose a profession, lifestyle and other aspects of her activities, has developed precisely thanks to those first women who decided to openly challenge society.
All things that were traditionally a male prerogative are now available to women. It is about making money, making a decision, getting an education, as well as activities such as art and business. The time when a man was obliged to support a woman is a thing of the past. Many modern ladies are considered humiliating at all if they are supported by a man.
So is a man needed
If so, why does a woman need a man at all? Do I need to start a family if it is quite possible to cope alone? Even raising children is a difficult topic, but as practice shows, single mothers do a good job with this too.
However, people did not marry less often. It was gender equality that made it possible to clearly see that the main reason that women need men, and men need women, is not at all in mundane interests. People get married and want to be together because they love each other and because they make each other better.
It turns out that if you can do without a man, a modern woman does not need him. But such a man, without whom it is impossible to do without - he is needed, and how!