After perestroika, various charitable societies began to appear in Russia. Most of them really started their work in order to help people in need. But some were created solely for self-promotion. And the number of good deeds committed by the employees of these organizations was several times less than the amount of hype raised around them.

True patrons are people who really help
Modern patrons are two types of people. The first ones have already achieved everything they wanted in life, they do not need extra popularity. They do good deeds not in order to prove something to someone, but because they want it. They have the ability to help other people, and do not ask for anything in return. They do not need gratitude, they often act anonymously.
A true philanthropist tries to help only those who are really looking for support, and not those who shout that they need money.
The meaning of such charity is in the help itself, and not in the desire to be promoted at the expense of those who need it. They are ready to do a lot if they see that their actions bring real benefits. If the “unfortunate” and “disadvantaged” turned out to be a fake, they stop helping and easily lead the deceiver to the surface. And they do this not only in order to punish him, but also to notify the real patrons that it is not worth wasting your time on this liar.
Real patrons do not require an account of where their money was spent. But if they understand that the funds are not spent on good deeds, but on someone's enrichment, they stop helping and expose the deceivers.
Patronage for advertising is a good marketing ploy
The second type of modern patrons is not distinguished by crystal honesty of intentions. They do not care who they help, and whether it will be of benefit. The main thing is how many media will cover the charity event, how many people will be notified, and how many reviews will appear in the press. Such people periodically even pay for articles in which journalists write about how many people they have helped, not forgetting to mention the name and profile of the organization, which the patrons are in charge of.
This helps to attract the attention of potential clients and partners to the activities of the firm. In the eyes of business people, the image of the patron develops - as a successful and honest businessman. Profitable contracts are concluded with him, people are more willing to accept the conditions offered to them, even not always favorable ones. They feel involved in charitable activities and are eager to help. Meanwhile, the "patron" is enriching himself more and more, spending less and less on charity.
As soon as the image of a noble man is completely fixed for him, he stops his help to the disadvantaged, from time to time reminding about it with articles in the media, which may turn out to be an ordinary paid "duck". Such advertising takes much less money than commercials on radio and TV, billboards and lightboxes. But the return on it is more effective, this technique works in almost a hundred percent of cases.