The child went to school, and he had a lot of new responsibilities, including homework. Some children sit down and do their homework without being reminded, for others it is not easy.

Step 1
First, try to identify the reasons why the child does not want to do homework. Have patience and remember: whether or not the kid learns to work independently will largely depend on his attitude towards learning in the future. Observe how he is engaged; maybe he is afraid of failure because you have set your requirements too high. In this case, calm him down, explain that you will love him not only for high marks, but also without them.
Step 2
Perhaps the child missed or did not understand the topic - then help him figure it out. Read it yourself and explain it to your child, solve several problems for an example. Do not solve the problems that are set by the teacher - let the child try to solve them on his own.
Step 3
If your child is used to helping him, gradually wean him away from it. Sit next to him, highlight the main thing in the tasks so that the child understands how you do it, and can do it on his own in the future. Say that you will be away for a while, but then come back and check everything that he did. Over time, such absences will become more and more prolonged, and the child will get used to doing everything himself.
Step 4
Inspire the child with the idea (it is advisable to do this even before school) that even if a difficult task comes across, you should not retreat. Show that she may have several solutions, try to draw or draw a problem to see it in a new light. Teach your child to get information and not give up - these skills will come in handy not only in order to do their homework on their own, but also in later life.
Step 5
Once you see that the grades and attitudes of the teacher at school matter to your child, you can gradually move away from the learning process. Say that you do not know this topic and you cannot help him (you will not help him until the last class) - let him get used to independence. If you see a responsible attitude, reward the child with cash or other rewards.