How To Love Selflessly

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How To Love Selflessly
How To Love Selflessly

Video: How To Love Selflessly

Video: How To Love Selflessly
Video: The True Meaning of Selfless Love and Sacrifice by Swami Mukundananda 2024, October

Assessment of the material condition of a potential chosen one has long become the norm. Unselfish love today can even be considered stupidity, which prevents you from satisfying your ambitions and career aspirations. But only a few dream of learning to love unselfishly, realizing that such a feeling is given only to a select few.

How to love selflessly
How to love selflessly


Step 1

Start admiring your chosen one. Focus on his personal positive qualities: kindness, intelligence, erudition, talents, ability to make decisions. Try to get pleasure simply from the fact that the person is nearby and gives you their warmth, support and protection.

Step 2

Analyze your relationship with a man. If the material side is in fact dominant for you, it is quite possible that this is simply not your person. Try to honestly admit to yourself if you would stay with this man if he was poor and did not provide for you. With real feelings, this question would surely recede into the background.

Step 3

Enjoy what you can give to the other person, not receive from them. It can be a breakfast prepared in the morning, a surprise thought out in advance, sincere participation in his affairs, attentive listening. Do not impose your concern: all your actions should be natural. A loving person will definitely want to do something good for you in return. Enjoy the intangible expressions of mutual love.

Step 4

Imagine losing your loved one. Feel for a few minutes how bad and lonely you are without him. At this moment, any thoughts about the material will certainly not be relevant. Think about how you will regret not giving yourself the freedom to love this man unselfishly.

Step 5

Remember that unselfish love is a rarity today. Almost any marriage is concluded with a strict calculation: future housing, joint budget, value of gifts. Perhaps this approach has its own truth. Moreover, many will condemn your selfless love for a man, because such a luxury is not available to everyone. If you are capable of this feeling, enjoy the feeling. Appreciate the feeling in itself and do not let it melt under the weight of material problems.
