The female ideal of the average Korean is similar to that of the average Russian male. So that the wife does everything around the house herself, be gentle, caring and forgiving. It is such a woman that the Korean man wants to take to the registry office. If this event happens, you are guaranteed a double holiday. Officially, the marriage will have to be formalized in Russia. And in the husband's homeland, it will be possible to arrange a second celebration.

Step 1
Before seducing a Korean, study the traditions of his home country and the mentality of its inhabitants. It is believed that there is a tough patriarchy in Korean families. The husband's parents completely control the life of the young family. Although there are cases when love works wonders - Russian wives successfully re-educate their foreign spouses. For example, Koreans who are not used to washing dishes or taking out the trash are happy to start cooking dinner and helping their beloved wife around the house.
Step 2
As for family life with a Korean, then behind him you will be like a stone wall. From early childhood, Korean boys are taught to protect their families and support their wife and children in abundance. On the one hand, a Korean, like any oriental man, usually hides his emotions and experiences inside, rarely shares them with his wife. On the other hand, Russian women already living with Koreans call them good-natured, patient, understanding and romantic. However, all Koreans cannot be equated one size fits all. And among Asians, there are rude, lazy, and drinking-loving individuals.
Step 3
As for the official registration of marriage, then you will have to sign in Russia. Until 2008, the marriage concluded in Korea was recognized by the Russian registry offices. Re-registration in native land was not required. Accordingly, the wife's Russian passport was not stamped. But over time, cases became more frequent when Russian wives, without divorcing their Korean spouse, returned to their homeland and got married again. Therefore, now you first need to get married in Russia. And in Korea, show a marriage certificate. After that, the registration information for your family will be entered and Korean documents.
Step 4
If you have met a Russianized Korean in Russia, then you are not afraid of the language barrier. If a non-Russian speaking groom is waiting for you in his homeland, get ready for difficulties. At first, you will be an alien creature for your Korean spouse, with whom you will have to communicate with signs. Therefore, it is better to learn in advance at least everyday phrases in the language of your husband. The language barrier is, of course, an obstacle to personal happiness. But if you love, you can learn even such a difficult language as Korean.