Very often any young man or girl has a second life - life on the Internet. They create accounts on social networks and spend part of their free time chatting online with their acquaintances, friends, or anyone else. Therefore, finding yourself a young man is virtually not at all difficult, it is difficult to interest him.

After correspondence via a computer, sometimes you want to meet a person in the real world, and for this he must get to know you for who you really are, the real one. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to be disappointed when you meet.
About common interests
Now some people have their own page on social networks or on forums, so you can learn a lot about a person without even communicating with him. If you are interested in someone, do not rush to write to him, wait, take a closer look at how he communicates with other people, what he enjoys, what interests him. In other words, try to get an objective portrait of the guy you like.
To get a person interested, you two need to have something in common, such as extreme sports. Your opinions should coincide, it is even better if your opinion complements his. The easiest way to find a guy with similar tastes is on thematic forums, and on social networks - in the corresponding groups. Smoothly merge into the correspondence in which he takes part, express your opinion, and even better with arguments. He will not be able to remain indifferent. And if your avatar has an image of a cute and pretty girl, it will be simply impossible not to write to you!
About hunting instincts
Men from the pookon centuries were hunters, it is in them at the genetic level. Remind him of this. When you have been communicating for a long time, got to know each other well, and a conversation started between you about your phone number, disappear for a while, and then appear, and continue the conversation as if nothing had happened. As soon as the conversation goes in the same direction again, disappear again. This will arouse the interlocutor's interest, tie him to you. Or maybe he will even fall in love, because men are so strongly attracted by everything mysterious and inaccessible.
Also, this technique will not allow you to get tired of each other ahead of time. In general, it is better to limit the time of communication, try not to write to him first. And most importantly, do not throw tantrums about his absence. In addition to a virtual one, every person should also have a real life. Yes, and he is not your husband to read him morality. Such claims can destroy the relationship that has begun.
About preparing for a real meeting
Try webcam chatting before your actual meeting, this will give you and him an idea of who you are chatting with. And if this is not possible, take photos of each other, which depict you and your interlocutor, and in your hands let there be a previously agreed-upon object or a piece of paper with an inscription, so at least you will know who you are going to meet with.