A prosperous and full-fledged family is a complete family, in which there is a father, a mother, and children. Such a family is happy, the spouses do not quarrel, the children are brought up in peace and harmony. The income of a prosperous family does not have to be very high, but there should be enough money to ensure a fulfilling life.

A complete family
A full-fledged psychologists call such a family in which both the father and the mother are present. Of course, many single mothers are also great at raising children, and there are single fathers who are not inferior to them. However, if one of the parents is missing, then the family is not considered complete or complete. Even if the house is kept perfectly clean and the children are brought up with love, psychologists still believe that for the most successful personality formation, it is better for a child to have both parents.
Nevertheless, a family of one parent is always better for a child than a family of two who constantly quarrels, or when one of the parents is drinking. There are other factors of well-being, much more important, that do not depend on the completeness of the family.
The basis of a successful family is love
Only those people who live in peace and harmony, love and respect each other can be called prosperous. Parents pay attention not only to the opinions of each other, but also to what the child tells them. In a prosperous family, there is no such thing as tyranny of older family members in relation to children.
For a family to be prosperous, spouses must love and respect each other, be able to listen and listen. Children in such a family trust their parents, they tell them about their problems, study well and achieve success in life, and do not implement complexes, trying to outmaneuver their most licentious peers in bad habits.
Well-being should also be material
Despite the fact that material support is not the main thing, it is still very important. If a child grows up in a family where the parents do not have enough funds for the most basic goods, he receives complexes for the rest of his life. Poor nutrition affects health, and it may turn out that the consequences of the child will have to disentangle their whole life. Old, worn clothes, in which he has to walk, often lead to ridicule from peers, which greatly affects self-esteem and slows down the process of children's integration into society.
Wealthy parents, who constantly quarrel themselves and break down on the child, do not pay attention to him, do not make their family prosperous. Harmony is a very important factor.
Wealthy family
To summarize, a prosperous family can be called a family in which harmony, love and mutual understanding reign, all family members show respect towards each other. They spend enough time together, and the elders pay enough attention to the younger ones.