How To Get Revenge On A Man

How To Get Revenge On A Man
How To Get Revenge On A Man

Revenge is known to be a dish that should be served cold. But sometimes the pain gnaws so that you want to do something terrible to the offender today. If you cannot forgive a man's act, proceed with an insidious plan, but first think over each step.

Is it worth revenge

The feeling of revenge can be called a disease that slowly destroys a person. If you wish a man something bad, then you will close great opportunities for yourself. You will stop assessing the situation adequately and making the right conclusions, thereby taking away from yourself the opportunity to build your life correctly.

It is much better not to ponder a plan of revenge, but to find out the reasons for such an act and gain invaluable experience that will help you no longer fall into the trap of the same traitor.

Try to become happy so that after a while you will remember this situation, albeit with bitterness, but without pain.

If, nevertheless, you decide to take revenge, then approach the solution of this problem in cold blood.

How to take revenge on a man for treason

A great way is to have an affair with his friend. This will be very frustrating for your ex. You know where he likes to be, so come to these places with your new chosen one. Just remember to make your feelings look real.

There is one big drawback in a dizzying romance with an ex's friend. You can break the heart of an innocent man, so think carefully about whether to do so.

If you're scared to think about an affair with another member of the stronger sex, make friends with your ex's girlfriend. Only she shouldn't know who you are. Imagine the shock of her new boyfriend when he sees you together and imagines what details of his life you can tell her about.

All men worry about their reputation, so it's a good idea to ruin it. It is enough to "accidentally let slip" your mutual acquaintances about his size and mistakes in his intimate life with you, as they will all start to make fun of him.

How to take revenge on your husband for insults

If your husband is disgusted with you or does things that annoy you, treat him like a real bitch. When it comes to serious misconduct, you can address the issue as follows:

Limit access to your body for a while. When it is difficult for a man without sex, he will quickly realize that such stupid things cannot be done and will come to ask you for forgiveness.

Stop cooking for him, washing and ironing his things. No one will enjoy walking around hungry, dirty and rumpled, but your husband will appreciate your irreplaceable role in his life.

If a man "annoyed you" pretty much, but you are still ready to forgive him after a little revenge, you can do this:

- break his favorite fishing rods;

- erase all numbers from your mobile phone notebook;

- cut his plastic cards;

- smear his legs and eyebrows with epilation cream when he is sleeping;

- throw away all his socks;

- to throw a handful of crumbs on the roof of his car, so that he would wash it for a long time after the flock of birds has been there.

And remember, the best revenge is ignorance. It is difficult, but the better the offended girl looks, the more often she smiles, the faster the offender understands whom he has lost.
