Children are very different and each child is unique in its own way. However, there are generally accepted standards through which parents and doctors can find out and track the level of development of the baby.

Basic skills of a 3-year-old
In terms of physical development, a child by the age of three should have sufficiently confident body coordination. With the help of adults, the baby also learns more complex skills: he eats, dresses and undresses on his own.
Feel free to involve a three-year-old in your homework, entrust him with simple assignments. At this age, children copy their parents, so take the moment and teach your baby to work.
At three years old, a child should have certain ideas about the world around him. At this age, it is already desirable to know and name different animals, body parts, season and day (day, night), some vegetables and fruits, as well as six basic colors. The child owns the concepts of "clothes", "furniture", "fruits", "vegetables" and others, although he is still mistaken in the classifications.
A child at three years old usually already distinguishes simple geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rhombus). The kid copes well with the sorter, quickly and correctly collects various pyramids and large puzzles, and builds simple figures from the constructor and cubes.
He can already find a connection between phenomena and objects, unite them on simple grounds. For example, a tree grows in a forest, it snows in winter, a car drives along the road. In addition, he can find an extra item from those presented, determine the similarities and differences between things.
The development of speech in a child at 3 years old
The development of speech is one of the main stages in the formation of a personality. A three-year-old child must know and state his first and last name, age, the names of the closest relatives and kindergarten teachers (if the child attends it).
The child's vocabulary is approaching 300 words. He uses pronouns, builds sentences with verbs, nouns and adjectives and correctly uses the prepositions "for", "on", "under", "in".
It is important to reward success in language development. It is recommended to talk a lot with the child, read to him and sing children's songs together. You need to try to talk to the baby without too much lisping, he must hear the correct speech.
Normally, the child should already be completely coherent in talking about the events that happened to him during the day. A three-year-old is already able to memorize small children's poems (quatrains), songs and counting rhymes.
However, it is worth remembering that all children are different and do not develop evenly. Don't panic if your child hasn't mastered certain skills. Over time and with the help of parents and educators (if there are no serious developmental disabilities), the baby will catch up with his peers.