Baby's milk teeth are, on the one hand, a joy for parents, but on the other, many extra hours or even days of excitement and experience. Very rarely, someone's eruption is imperceptible and painless. Often the appearance of teeth is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, high fever, profuse salivation, snot, etc.).

Teething and everything connected with it
The first teeth begin to erupt on average from six months, but they can be earlier or later, it all depends on the child. And all the symptoms associated with them are also quite individual. Someone goes through everything easily, and parents find out about the presence of a tooth by chance, someone is capricious and does not sleep at night, but someone endures it all with high fever and other complications.
It is very scary when babies get sick - especially when they are so small and defenseless. When the temperature rises, you must first understand the reasons. After all, this is accompanied by many factors: some kind of inflammatory process, disease or teething. It is also worth considering that a child under one year old may have a temperature of about 37 ° C, and this is normal, and not an indicator that something is wrong with him.
First, take a closer look at the baby, how he behaves - lethargic, lack of appetite or some other signs of behavior that are unlike his usual state. Also watch the temperature change every hour (of course, if it is not 40 ° C - then call an ambulance urgently!).
If the temperature is more than 38 ° C, then it is better to consult a doctor so that he excludes or confirms other options. Often teething leads to a weakening of the child's immunity and can provoke any disease (tonsillitis, ARVI, otitis media, etc.).
How to deal with fever
When you are convinced that everything is fine with the baby (with the exception of fever), and the specialist has confirmed to you that this is due to the teeth, then you just need to carefully monitor the child, especially at night when he is sleeping, in order to prevent its further increase. It is not worth knocking down to 38 ° C, after that you can use different children's drugs (Nurofen, Paracetamol, etc.).
You can also help your child by rubbing off with cool water and drinking plenty of fluids. In no case do not wrap the baby up, ventilate the room more often and remove the diaper (if any).
The temperature can last up to 5 days sometimes and around 40 ° C. But it is better, if after 3 days it does not go away, to be under the supervision of a doctor so as not to overlook something serious.
Teething is often a difficult and hectic period, you just need to gain strength and survive.