There can be no universal answer to the question of where to start feeding a child, since each of them is unique and requires an individual approach. It is best to make the decision to start complementary foods after consulting a pediatrician, and until that moment it is worth getting basic information about what the first foods on the baby's table can be.

The first feeding of the child in the form of vegetables
Vegetables are suitable for those children who have problems with stool, as they help to normalize it and avoid constipation. They are also good as complementary foods if you are overweight. Among the vegetables themselves, those that are considered the least allergenic are chosen, and these include cauliflower, broccoli and zucchini. Carrots and pumpkin are given later, as they cause allergies more often. A controversial attitude towards potatoes. It is believed that, in comparison with other vegetables, it contains fewer nutrients, so you can take your time with it. In addition, if the child is allergic, then soak it in water before cooking to keep the amount of starch to a minimum.
It is advisable to start with vegetables grown in the region of residence, and not with imported ones. Therefore, if the start time for complementary foods falls on the winter, then it is better to take ready-made baby food, and not zucchini and cabbage brought from abroad.
Fruit feeding
This is one of the favorite foods of many babies and a great starting point for complementary foods. Apples or pears are given first, and citrus fruits are left in the end. You should not start with berries either, as the likelihood of allergy to any bright foods is much higher.
There is only one drawback to fruits: after trying sweet puree, it is sometimes difficult to convince a child to eat vegetables that are neutral in taste.
Complementary feeding for babies in the form of cereals
As a rule, this type of food is also in demand by little gourmets, like the previous one. It is recommended to start with it for those who are not gaining weight. The first are the so-called gluten-free cereals, since it is this component in cereals that causes allergies. These include buckwheat, rice and corn, but oat and wheat should be postponed until later. This also applies to semolina, which is so popular with grandmothers.
What else you should know
The timing of the introduction of complementary foods is no less important. Despite the fact that manufacturers of baby food put labels on many of their products from four or even three months, there is no need to rush into the introduction of complementary foods. The optimal time frame for breastfed babies is from six months. For artificial people, these frames are more flexible and can be shifted to 4-5 months, but this is rather arbitrary. But trying to load the digestive system immediately after reaching three months is not the best idea, since the rush with complementary foods can lead not only to allergies, but also to indigestion.