When To Start Feeding Your Baby

When To Start Feeding Your Baby
When To Start Feeding Your Baby

Finally, it's time to introduce complementary foods to your baby in order to introduce and interest him in human food and ensure a healthy rostrum. Breastfeeding, of course, is convenient, you do not need to steam in the kitchen and invent something, and if you feed with mixtures, then it is much easier to get involved in baby food.

When to start feeding your baby
When to start feeding your baby

When to start feeding your baby?

The best time is from 6 months. baby's stomach is ready for other types of food. But your pediatrician or grandmother may say that you need to introduce complementary foods from 4 months, and it is up to you to follow this advice or not, but you need to take into account all the facts for and against, and they are as follows: breastfeeding or with a bottle, the baby's health, his growth, needs and your own considerations.

At 6 months, the child is physiologically ready to eat, the tongue pushing reflex gradually disappears; also, his body produces all the necessary enzymes for the digestion of various plant foods.

When breastfeeding at the time of the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, many mothers wonder where to start. You don't really need to be wise here, nor do you need to reinvent the wheel. Start with harmless and simple foods that mom herself eats, for example, cottage cheese or kefir. Just prepare these products for the baby - make them liquid (it is important for cottage cheese, kefir is already liquid).

They also start with broccoli and zucchini vegetable purees. The main thing is to start with one thing and monitor the reaction. Semolina should not be given to a child under one year old, there is little useful in it and it interferes with the absorption of calcium.

The child tried with a spoon, licked it and that's it, do not expect that he will eat more, and most importantly, do not shove him forcibly, but if possible, increase the dose of spoons of food every day so that you can replace one full breastfeeding. After 7 months, you can give broths and soups from low-fat meat, for example, eat soup, pour it into a personal plate, cool, if necessary, mash potatoes, meat with a fork and offer to the child.

When you start giving your baby regular food, the baby does not want to eat or drink from the bottle, only the breast. Therefore, it is important to regularly teach (not to be lazy and do it every day) such a child to eat, otherwise problems will arise later. Why? Yes, because mom's milk may stop producing one fine day or it will be less; and because the child needs all kinds of foods, they contain the necessary trace elements, minerals, vitamins.

Why does the child refuse to feed, because he is so necessary. Maybe because you are giving the wrong products? My child categorically turned away from artificial milk and artificial cereals, but with interest he ate borscht, chicken soup, and those products that I eat. When you eat something, the child is also interested in it and he will eat with you.

When introducing complementary foods, the main thing:
