The beauty of Russian women has long been admired. Slavic beauties know how to properly monitor their appearance, and they constantly resort to their secrets. That is why oriental men often marry Russian girls.

The positive aspects of marriage of a Russian girl with an oriental man
Foreign suitors are also flattered by the ability of Russian women to be submissive, economic and docile. This applies not only to everyday life, but also to the intimate life of a couple. Compared to oriental women, Russian beauties are more liberated in terms of sex and often dominate, which they know how to enjoy.
A marriage with an oriental man will be strong and reliable enough. The fact is that men from the east are sure that they are the defenders of the family, breadwinners and breadwinners. They will never ask their wife for help in making money. When they get married, they take full responsibility for their spouse and their children. Moreover, such families are rarely poor.
Foreigners are very generous towards Russian women. They allow themselves to present their chosen one with expensive gifts and jewelry. Most often, selfish girls are led to this, not realizing the further development of their relationship.
Negative sides of the marriage of a Russian woman and an oriental man
Almost all Eastern men are against their women working. The wife, in their opinion, should only deal with household chores, housekeeping and raise children. In a relationship, the husband will always be the main thing. The wife is obliged to help him in everything, not to contradict and fulfill his will.
A large family for Muslims presupposes the presence of four, five, or even six children. So a woman should also be ready for this. Moreover, in the event of a divorce, the fairer sex is unlikely to be able to take her child from the father.
In the east, families are known to be very large. And the newly-made wife is obliged to respect all relatives of her husband, whether she likes them or not. Sisters, aunts, grandmothers will now and then actively participate in the development of relationships in your family.
Virginity is a very important indicator for oriental men and for normal relationships in your future family.
Free independent movement of a Russian woman through the streets of a foreign country is prohibited for Muslims. A woman has no right to go to the store alone, meet with her friends or just go for a walk. She should always be accompanied by her husband, or with an older male relative.
Should Russian girls marry eastern men?
Like any other human relationship, marriage with an oriental man has its pros and cons. Such family ties still contain more negative sides than positive ones, but each woman imagines ideal relationships in her own way.
If a girl from childhood was brought up and lived according to Christian principles, she is unlikely to be able to become a real Muslim and get used to other people's traditions and customs.
To marry an oriental man or not is up to you. However, before such a serious step, you need to clearly weigh all the positive and negative aspects of this union.