The variety of male contraceptives is not too great in comparison with female ones. This is because blocking an egg is easier than stopping the flow of a huge amount of sperm each time. Moreover, such funds should not affect the potency or future offspring.

Popular male contraceptive options
By far the most common contraceptive method for men is the use of a condom. High-quality and reliable products are distinguished by a high level of efficiency - about 90-97%. In addition, they are easy to obtain and can always be kept on hand to use when needed. One of the most important benefits of condoms is their ability to protect against infection with sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. Among their disadvantages are the inconvenience and even discomfort that can occur during intercourse, as well as a decrease in sensitivity.
Condoms should not be used by men who are allergic to latex. It should also be remembered that an allergic reaction to latex or the components that make up the lubricant can begin in a woman.
Another contraceptive option for men is vasectomy, i.e. sterilization. In Russia, this operation is allowed only if the man has already reached the age of 35 and became the father of two children. After a vasectomy, the level of protection during intercourse reaches 99%, but it is important to understand that the use of this agent is irreversible.
In a way, interrupted intercourse can also be called a contraceptive. To make it easier to use, a man can take special drugs that delay the moment of ejaculation. It is important to understand that this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy has a low level of reliability.
Contraception for men: a new word in science
Most often women take birth control pills. However, scientists are also developing special products for men. They will affect hormonal levels, increasing testosterone levels, which will sharply temporarily block the function of sperm production.
According to scientists, to achieve a high level of safety, you need to take male pills at least three months before you stop using other methods of contraception.
Scientists are also developing testosterone gel. It is assumed that it will be enough to use such a remedy daily to reduce the risk of conception during intercourse to a minimum. Testosterone gel has already passed a number of tests and showed excellent results, however, the development and improvement of the product is still underway, so it is not known when such a drug will appear on the shelves.