It is rather difficult to decide on a name for a fair-haired girl, often parents cannot even agree among themselves, not to mention all other relatives, and this is not surprising - there are a lot of options

Slavic names
Svetlana is a name that in itself means "light", "clean", therefore, when choosing a name for a girl with blond hair, it is worth taking a closer look at it. If you believe the books on the interpretation of names, then Sveta from childhood are distinguished by a contradictory character, they have a well-developed sense of dignity, and leadership qualities prevail. In adulthood, Svetlana become good housewives, they love children very much. You can choose the name Svetlana for a girl with almost any Russian patronymic - the combination will always be harmonious.
Zlata is another Slavic name meaning "golden". Perfect for a golden-haired person. The name has been forgotten by the order, which is why it is rarely encountered in our time. Zlata's distinctive character traits - calmness, seriousness, honesty - are manifested from early childhood. Zlata very carefully choose girlfriends and soul mates, from which they usually get married late.
Milan. To many, this name seems foreign and even exotic, but in reality it also has a Slavic origin and means "sweetheart". By nature, Milana is kind, sentimental and sympathetic. They easily find a common language with a wide variety of people. Having matured, Milans begin to carefully monitor their appearance, dress brightly and sexy.
Greek names
Anastasia. Despite its Greek origin, the name has long taken root in Russia. Remember at least Russian folk tales: in many of them the main character is called Nastenka. Little Nastas are good-natured and trusting, easy-going, hardworking. Girls with this name often get married early, but immediately become good housewives and caring mothers. It goes especially well with middle names: Anatolyevna, Alexandrovna.
Alice is another fabulous name that means "noble" in Russian. Alice grows up as a very inquisitive and inquisitive girl. Women with this name are distinguished by emotionality and romance. However, they prefer a career and travel to a family conceived, so they are in no hurry to get married.
Latin names
Violetta. Translated from Latin means "violet". Violet has a strong character from infancy, they are not afraid of problems and are always ready to fight back their offenders. Moreover, girls with this name are very charming and sociable. Members of the opposite sex can rarely resist the charms of these gorgeous women.
Victoria. When choosing beautiful female names, one cannot fail to mention Victoria. The name translates as "victory" and the women who wear it are truly determined, confident and hard-working. They are born leaders who can lead.
Of course, here are not all options for beautiful female names that are suitable for fair-haired girls. In fact, there are a great many of them, give preference to more feminine, sonorous and beautiful.