When planning a child, it is advisable to imagine how a woman's reproductive system functions in order to know on which days conception is most favorable, otherwise there is a high probability that it will be possible to become pregnant far from immediately after the termination of contraception. In fact, in each cycle there are only a few days in which it is easiest to get pregnant, and for each girl they are calculated individually, depending on the duration and regularity of her cycle.

Step 1
A woman's menstrual cycle begins on the first day of her period. After menstruation, a new follicle grows and develops in her body - an egg in a special shell, which breaks after a few days and releases an egg ready for fertilization. This process is called ovulation, it is at this time that conception is most favorable. The egg cell lives only two days, and if after this period it has not met with the sperm, then pregnancy in this cycle most likely will not occur.
Step 2
It is usually said that ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. If the duration of a girl's cycle is 28 days, ovulation, indeed, falls on the 14-15th day, that is, in the middle. But in other cases, with longer or shorter cycles, the day of ovulation shifts a little: you need to count 14 days from the moment of the next expected menstruation. Thus, for a woman with a cycle of 24 days, this will be the tenth day of the cycle, and for a woman with a 35-day cycle, it will be 21 days.
Step 3
These ovulation calculations are approximate, in practice, women sometimes experience cycle shifts, ovulation may occur earlier or later, sometimes there are anovulatory cycles, sometimes two eggs mature in one month. To determine ovulation, use special tests that are sold in pharmacies, or measure basal temperature in the morning - during ovulation, it rises to 37 degrees and above.
Step 4
Since sperm can live in a woman's body for up to a week, it is not necessary to try to conceive a child on the day of ovulation. Doctors say that if you make love every other day in the period from the tenth to the eighteenth day of the cycle (with a duration of 28-30 days), then the probability of getting pregnant is very high. If you have a longer or shorter cycle, calculate approximately the day of ovulation and begin active planning for your baby seven days before that time.