A worthy life partner does not appear on the horizon, but I want to have a child, because there is so much unspent affection and tenderness inside. This desire is natural for a psychologically and financially mature woman. If you are thinking about giving birth and raising a child on your own, you need to prepare in advance for any problems that you face.

The reaction of others
Despite the fact that single motherhood is a very common phenomenon in our country, society has a negative attitude towards those who consciously choose this path. After all, it is believed that for the full development of a child, both parents are needed. However, the role of the second male educator can be a man whom you completely trust: a friend or a brother. If you are confident in your decision, the reaction of loved ones should not scare you.
Increased load
If in an ordinary family all the hardships and worries of the spouses are shared approximately equally, in this case everything will fall on your shoulders. Of course, there are also grandparents, close friends, and other single mothers who will help you with advice or deed, but in any case, you should rely only on yourself.
Father characteristics
A very difficult question: how do you explain to a child why he does not have a dad? You should not deceive and evade the answer, because sooner or later you will have to explain. The image of the father should be positive - do not attribute negative qualities to him, do not say that he died, and so on. If you are in contact with the father-to-be and plan to maintain a friendly relationship, negotiate whether he will support you. If not, it is preferable not to communicate with him.
Material problems
With the birth of a child, you will not be able to work for some time, so you need to create a certain reserve in advance, so as not to think about money at least in the next six months. You should not refuse the help of loved ones - now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the baby, he should not suffer because of your scrupulousness. Chat with other single moms about how to save money or earn money while on maternity leave. Homework can be a good source of income.
Personal life
After giving birth, you will not have enough time for yourself - the physical, moral and psychological stress will be simply colossal. Therefore, try to organize and simplify your home life in advance. With the birth of a child, you should not be locked in yourself and live within four walls. The more active and varied your life is, the faster your moral and psychological health will be restored. Do not overshadow your own desires and hobbies, then the son or daughter will not become an obstacle on the way to a full and happy personal life. And the child will grow up as a harmoniously developed and intelligent person, becoming a worthy member of society.