How To Quarrel With Your Husband

How To Quarrel With Your Husband
How To Quarrel With Your Husband

Probably, there is not a single married couple who, at least once, and did not quarrel. Psychologists say: quarreling with a loved one is useful - it strengthens the family, allowing them to voice their claims to each other. Thus, the conflict can be resolved in the bud. However, the feelings that remain in the soul after a quarrel are, to put it mildly, unpleasant. How it is necessary to quarrel "correctly" so that after the scandal there would be a truce.

How to quarrel with your husband
How to quarrel with your husband

Time and place. The best option would be if your quarrel happens away from prying eyes. Then you don't have to blush for your incontinence. In addition, the sweet reconciliation that will surely follow, certainly does not need witnesses.

It is important for parents to remember that you cannot quarrel with children. For them, this is a disaster, the collapse of their stable world. If, nevertheless, the kids witnessed the conflict, try to calmly explain to them that you still love them and love each other.

Definitely do not start quarrels on an empty stomach. Hungry people are always more aggressive, and hungry men are doubly irritable.

Don't be shelved. Over time, a postponed conversation can turn into a real scandal. Emotions that have not received an outlet will gradually accumulate, and can spill out at any minute. If your other half is trying with all his might to get away from the discussion of the issue, be persistent and explain that this topic does not bother you.

Just one topic. Try not to expose all old sins in a quarrel. Limit yourself to solving one pressing problem. Try to avoid the temptation to recall any past grievances.

We build the right claims. The perception of the same situation may be different depending on which phrase will fly off your lips. "You forgot to call me back again!" - This is a continuous accusation that can cause irritation. “I was very worried when you didn't call back” - the emphasis is on your feelings, and this phrase is perceived in a completely different way.

Watch your words and actions. If an argument has flared up in earnest, try to control what you say. Insults, comparisons with someone, or just an unflattering statement hurt deeply and are remembered for a long time. No matter how angry you are, in no case should you stoop to assault. Physical aggression is a long-term huge resentment.

The most pleasant thing after a constructive fight is reconciliation. However, there is no need to rush if you have not “cooled down” yet. But tightening is also not correct. Going to bed with resentment, against each other, is not worth it, tk. fights of many days only exacerbate the situation. If it is still difficult to forgive your other half, think about the pleasant moments in your married life, remember, in the end, why you fell in love with this person. And the anger will disappear, as if it did not exist at all.
