What Are The First Signs Of Pregnancy

What Are The First Signs Of Pregnancy
What Are The First Signs Of Pregnancy

You can feel the onset of pregnancy much earlier than the moment when someone begins to move in the tummy. The first signs that a woman is in an interesting position appear at a fairly early stage.

What are the first signs of pregnancy
What are the first signs of pregnancy

One of the first and lasting signs of pregnancy is often a change in the psycho-emotional state of a woman. As a rule, the woman herself immediately notices that now she cannot control herself. She begins to think that the whole world is opposed to her, and everyone around her is trying to piss her off. Such changes occur as a result of changes in the hormonal background of a woman.

Pulls for salty - a time-tested sign

A change in taste preferences occurs in all pregnant women in the first weeks after conception. Often a woman wants salty and sour. But sometimes the perversion of taste surprises both the pregnant woman and everyone around her. For example, sweet cake combined with pickled cucumber. In addition, sometimes women who are in an interesting position feel a “metallic taste” on their tongue.

A dangerous symptom of pregnancy is severe pain in the abdomen, uterus and fallopian tubes in the absence of menstruation. With an increase in temperature or even without it. These are clear signs of an ectopic pregnancy.

Another symptom of pregnancy is a change in the perception of odors. The scent of perfume, which the woman previously liked very much, now seems disgusting. Or, conversely, a pregnant woman may like a smell that is unpleasant for everyone.

Early toxicosis is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy. Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, it can manifest itself in varying degrees of severity. In some women, mild morning sickness disappears after awakening. In others, nausea, vomiting, and lightheadedness may continue all day. But along with them there are women who have no toxicosis at all. The intensity of these sensations depends on age, health, heredity and individual characteristics.

The appearance of new sensations in the breast is another of the first symptoms of pregnancy, associated with the preparation of the body for feeding the baby. Sometimes, already in the early stages, the mammary glands enlarge and swell. The feeling of "bloating", tingling and fluid from the nipples also appears at different stages of pregnancy, including at the very beginning.

Increased fatigue is also one of the signs of pregnancy and is especially difficult for working mothers-to-be. Sudden bouts of yawning and a strong desire to rest can overtake a woman at the most uncomfortable moment. But along with this, a woman can sleep poorly at night.

The most accurate sign of pregnancy

A delay in your monthly menstrual flow is the most accurate sign of pregnancy. This is especially true for women with a regular cycle. The longer the delay, the greater the chances of pregnancy. The absence of menstruation is one pleasant feature of the entire pregnancy period. There are no periods for nine months, and if a woman is breastfeeding, they may not be for a rather long period.

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for several menstrual cycles.

Some women have a rather unusual sign of pregnancy. This is a change in the microflora of the vagina and, as a result, abundant discharge.

All of these symptoms appear to varying degrees, and sometimes women may not pay much attention to their appearance.
