It often happens that people put off serious conversations, waiting for the right situation, the right time, the right situation. At the same time, the topic of conversation is not necessarily negative, it just implies a change in the course of familiar things. And really, how to tell a guy about something important, about something that may turn your whole life, whether it be moving to another city, unexpectedly winning a large sum of money in the lottery, or getting pregnant?

Step 1
Each person needs an individual approach. In most cases, you can predict in advance the reaction of your partner, because who else, if not you, knows your lover so well? Who can predict his behavior and mood after receiving important information better than you? If so, you have the opportunity to prepare for the conversation.
Step 2
Regardless of what you are going to tell him about, mentally try to reproduce the possible dialogue options. Prepare in advance the argumentation (if you are going to convince the man) or those words that will help him more easily and calmly perceive the news (if your message is not pleasant). In this case, his response will not take you by surprise.
Step 3
Do not wait too long - a case that suits you may never turn up, and your partner is unlikely to be grateful to you for "outdated" news, especially if he learns them from someone else, not from you. Understand that fear of the unknown makes you hesitate: how will it be then? But this is impossible to find out if you just sit and guess.
Step 4
Communicate the news in a way that is appropriate for the situation, while taking into account your man's attitude to what you want to tell. If a car was stolen from him, which you hated with all your heart, it is better to hide your joy and glee. Show understanding for your partner's feelings, because he really will worry.
Step 5
Do not start a conversation with the words "we need to talk", "we need to talk seriously." For many men, this phrase scares or irritates. If both of you are in no hurry and have a calm conversation, the introduction is no longer needed. When presenting information, indicate the main idea, if necessary, express your opinion.
Step 6
Deliver the information clearly and clearly, and then ask the man's opinion about what you heard. It is, of course, possible to simply confront a person with a fact, but this is not always ethical. One last thing: trust your man. What is important to you will be important to him if he values and loves you.