Not a single woman, even in a nightmare, wants to see her own man cheating. Nevertheless, it happens that a man is cheating on his girlfriend for a variety of reasons, and here the woman is faced with a serious problem - how to respond to a stressful situation, and more importantly, how to survive a storm of emotions from hatred to resentment and disappointment in order to continue living further.

Step 1
If a man cheated on you, first of all, learn to cope with your own emotions. Even if it seems to you that something irreparable and terrible has happened, and life should end there, abstract yourself from these thoughts - try to look at the situation soberly and do not make rash actions and mistakes on emotions. Pull yourself together.
Step 2
At the same time, find a way to get rid of internal tension and stress - if it becomes easier for you when you cry, give yourself free rein and cry alone. If you get rid of stress while exercising, go to the gym.
Step 3
Start writing poetry or songs, paint a picture if you have artistic talent. All of this will help sublimate negative energy and ease your state of mind.
Step 4
When the main storm of emotions subsides, try to figure out what happened and understand why you were cheated on. Do not burden yourself with a guilt complex - if a man cheated on you, this does not mean that you yourself are to blame.
Step 5
Determine why the man cheated - whether the reason for his general tendency to cheat, or it happened by accident. If a man cheated on you by accident and repented, you can choose for yourself whether to believe him and forgive, or check if his words are true. In addition, often the reason for cheating is the fading of the relationship. A man may have fallen in love with another woman, or may have wanted a variety in the sexual sphere that he lacked in life with you.
Step 6
If you are sure that your partner is an unreliable and windy person who cannot be relied on, feel free to leave him and start a new life without trying to deceive yourself, believing that you will re-educate him. It is impossible to re-educate an adult - do not take on this thankless task.
Step 7
If you think that your man is a reliable person who accidentally made a mistake, you can forgive him, and this decision should be considered and serious. If you decide to accept a man back after cheating, give him the opportunity to repent and experience the consequences of his infidelity with you. Only after experiencing the problem together, you can exhaust it and move to a new level of relationship.
Step 8
Try to change something in yourself - a man will not want to cheat on a beautiful, well-groomed and intelligent woman with whom he is happy. Add more positiveness to your relationship, make it harmonious and unusual.
Step 9
If a man fell in love with another, and wants to be with her, do not hinder him, no matter how unpleasant it may be to you. Don't blackmail a man - give him the opportunity to be happy. You, in turn, can also find yourself a new life partner.