Some women unsuccessfully seek the man of their dreams, but at the same time reject fans. It would seem, why give up those who are nearby and run after others? It's just that there are candidates around them who are not suitable for the role of husband. If you want to find a wife for yourself, you first need to understand what kind of men are getting married.

The qualities of a potential husband
Financially secured. It is not necessary to have your own business and earn millions, but it is desirable to have a stable average earnings. Women always assess whether a man will be able to provide his family with at least minimal amenities.
Responsible. In marriage, women want protection from anxiety and life's troubles. Therefore, they are looking for a man who you can rely on in difficult times and be confident in him.
Economic. A man, as a rule, solves all problems and malfunctions in plumbing, household appliances and other housing issues. Therefore, he should at least roughly know how to solve common breakdowns. Now you can call a jack of all trades without any problems even on a weekend, so such qualities are not required, but some women still value household men.
Sexual satisfaction is very important for a woman. If she does not enjoy sex, the woman may be irritable, sleep poorly, and have health problems. Therefore, a potential husband should be good in bed, and be able to bring his lady to the peak.
A strong man who can protect his family. You don't need to have steel muscles to show strength. You can have a slender physique, but know the fighting techniques to punish offenders.
A caring and loving man is especially valued among women. If they feel true love and care, they may close their eyes to some flaws. Feelings are manifested in little things - kisses, hugs, hot tea during illness, or flowers for no reason. With such a husband, you can overcome any obstacles, feeling his sincere support and tenderness.
Which men should not be married
With bad habits. At first, it may seem that there is nothing wrong if a man occasionally gets drunk on weekends to a semi-conscious state. Some women believe that in marriage he will change and drink in moderation. But, as a rule, the situation only gets worse with age, and the spouse can turn into an alcoholic. It is better not to associate your life with such.
Lazy men will not achieve anything in life, and will not be able to provide for their family. Women rarely become happy with someone who works for a meager salary, lies on the couch on weekends and does not show any initiative. In such families, as a rule, all responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the wife. And after a few years, she may realize that it will be much easier alone than with such a spouse.