Initiating a breakup is probably even more difficult than being abandoned. Especially if you are really attached to your man, and he is actually sweet, kind and caring, just not for you. In this case, you certainly do not want to hurt him, but if you still need to leave the man, try to do it correctly.

- Patience
- Tenderness
- Correct words
Step 1
Choose a day ahead of time when you intend to tell the man that you are leaving him. Make sure that this is a completely irrelevant date for him, and he does not have any important events planned.
Also, do not leave a man on his birthday, Valentine's Day, on the anniversary of the death of his grandmother, etc.
Step 2
For about a week before telling him you're going to leave, keep your distance in the relationship. Don't call or date him. And if he tries to contact you, tell him that you have a lot of work. During this time, you will be able to properly think over everything that you need to say to him and again listen to yourself - have you really decided to leave him completely?
Step 3
To get away from a man, choose a calm, quiet and uncrowded place where both of you will feel comfortable and will not be embarrassed by your emotions.
Step 4
Be honest with your man, tell him about the reasons why you want to leave him. At the same time, try to open them not too abruptly, so as not to injure him. After all, he already has sufficient reason to grieve. Try to rehearse this story in front of the mirror beforehand - does your argument sound convincing?
Step 5
You told the man that you were leaving. He is depressed and overwhelmed. Support him, wish him the best, tell him that you really think that he is worthy of a woman who deserves him and will appreciate him. Offer him help in case he needs to talk to someone and leave him alone with thoughts.