Family relationships sometimes fail, even in the most seemingly favorable moments of life. An inadvertently thrown phrase or a picky glance can start a small crack that can break the union of people who once love each other.

Why families break up
In many cases, the cause of the conflict is the understatement in the relationship, the unwillingness to consider the position of the beloved and take his place. Somewhere there may even be personal egoism. Families often break up due to all these and other reasons.
It is generally accepted that men are more likely to leave the family, as they are more polygamous. But this is not always the case. Recently, in the statistics of marriage divorces, it has been highlighted the departure from the family of a woman who at first tries to maintain a relationship, but feeling that nothing is changing, she just collects things, takes the children and leaves home.
From a sad breakup to a brighter tomorrow
So the wife left. Quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings, neglect are behind. When a beloved woman leaves, men perceive it as a strong blow. Raging, angry, indignant. And at such a moment, the husband should not focus on the fact of the departure itself, but try to comprehend the act, find out the reasons for this circumstance. Because a woman is by nature patriarchally attached to the opposite sex. And in order to force her to commit such an act, sufficiently good reasons are needed.
First of all, a man should find out for himself whether he wants to return his beloved woman and continue to build harmonious relations with her in the family. It depends on this what conclusions he will draw from the situation. In no case should you fall into depression, pour melancholy with strong alcoholic drinks or indulge in all seriousness. Only an analysis of your past actions can be beneficial in building future relationships.
In the return of the wife, her friends can play a positive role. It is worth asking for help from them, sharing the desire to resurrect family relationships. Sometimes parents will be able to fix what their children could not keep. A man does not need to be isolated in his melancholy and loneliness. Maybe a turning point in the relationship has come, and it is worth taking some kind of pause. It often happens that after living separately for some time, each of the spouses realizes that they cannot get along without each other. They try to find a path that will connect them again.
But remember that even the temporary departure of your wife should not overshadow your interests in life. You also need to continue playing sports, visiting interesting places, allocating time to meet with friends. Sometimes taking a break is the best counselor in any confusing relationship.